Will Smith was on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon and him, with the help of an iPad app, rocked out to It Takes Two by Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock.
Proving that the rap anthem can be belted out whenever by whoever wherever they want and it will make people happy. That’s because we all know every word and can’t wait to shout out with everyone that is around us.
Granted I grew up in The Bronx and I always thought this was our song and I am representing home when I sing it. So sing along with them and know I am singing along with you because I can’t get the tune out of my head.
Madonna shared this photo of herself sucking on her thumb and she said “Bad habits die hard.” Out of all the body parts I imagined in her mouth, a thumb was not one of them. I also didn’t picture it being part of her body that she would be sucking on. If you get, where I am going with this thought…
Before Melissa Rauch’s BFFs were Penny and Amy on The Big Bang Theory, her best friend was Kim on Kath & Kim. She looks the same now as she did when she was 28 in that 2008 episode?
Tonight’s The Big Bang Theory on CBS at 8p is one you don’t want to miss.
Leonard comes up with the theory to something (I don’t understand) and shares it with Sheldon. Sheldon writes a paper on it and asks his roommate if he wants to publish their Physics paper. He agrees and then they wait to see what the Science community thinks about it. When someone bashes the paper, Sheldon starts and online fight with the critic. Wait until you see who it is???
While the boys are dealing with an online bully, the girls are finding out about the most embarrassing secrets. One by one each of them will have something revealed about them that they don’t want to anyone to know. I think you can tell that Bernadette’s is the worse, but can you guess why it is that way?
I promise you, you don’t want to miss a single second of the episode that will have you laughing from the beginning until the end.