Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » October
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Happy Halloween!
October 31st, 2014 under Halloween, SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]
May your Halloween be full of candy and scares! And if it isn’t, then remember today is the one day when it is OK to take candy from a baby and to scare the crap out of people. At least that is how I plan on spending it.


Hot Links!
October 31st, 2014 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]


Who is wearing leather suspenders? – Dlisted

Who came out? – Celebitchy

A Miley Cyrus nip slip – The Nip Slip

Mama June breaks her silence – Reality Tea

Neil Patrick Harris got his hubby a job? – HPQ

Who was caught smoking a joint? – Celebslam

Courteney Cox barely avoids a nip slip – GCeleb

What does Rihanna have on her nipples now? – THS


How many people does it take to put on Madonna’s boots?
October 30th, 2014 under Madonna. [ Comments: none ]

Madonna shared this photo of 3, yes 3, people putting on her Givenchy boots and none of those people were the singer herself. Proving it is good to be the Material Girl, who has enough money to pay three women to do something she could do on her own.
Now, I want to know how many people it takes to put on her underwear. We know how many people it takes to get her out of them.


BTWF ads: Tim Allen for The Olds Connection
October 30th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Tim Allen. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at :55 in)

Before Tim Allen was upset that Jill bought a car without him on Home Improvement, he went car shopping with his wife Cindy at The Olds Collection. He looks the same now as he did when he was 30 in that 1983 ad.


Want to hear the record-breaking loudest burp?
October 30th, 2014 under Guinness World Records. [ Comments: none ]
Paul Hunn is in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the Loudest Burp and today he demonstrated it in their offices during their anniversary party. Something, I am so sure, The Burper King’s mum is so proud of her son’s accomplishment.
Part of me wants to warn you to turn the speakers down before you hear his record breaking 109.9DB belch; but then the other part of me is like turn the volume all the way up so you can hear it in all of his glory. It truly is glorious.
Personally, I still think that Revenge of the Nerds’ Booger’s (Curtis Armstrong) burp was so much more impressive, but Hunn’s still blew me away. I am sure, if I was standing near him as he did it, the force of his burp would’ve literally blown me away.
BTW I wonder if he was drinking Guinness at Guinness to create that marvelous sound?


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