Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » August
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Melissa Gilbert is zen, Andy Samberg got hosed & more do the ALS IBC
August 25th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Melissa Gilbert. [ Comments: none ]

Half Pint went full in for the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and who knew Melissa Gilbert is so funny and creative. I always thought of her as a serious actress, but not any more.

Andre Braugher, Terry Crews and Andy Samberg all did the challenge together, but only one of the Brooklyn Nine-Nine stars truly felt the wrath of the water. Can you guess who?
You can see the three of them back on the beat September 28th on Fox.

To see Carrot Top, Todd Milliner, Karen David, Luke Youngblood, Alan Menken, Gloria Estefan, Mark Hamill, Jennifer Aniston and Courteney Cox do it, then click here!


BTWF roles: Bryan Cranston on Seinfeld
August 25th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Bryan Cranston, Seinfeld. [ Comments: 1 ]

(the kiss is at 4:38 in)

Before Bryan Cranston and Julia Louis-Dreyfus kissed at the Emmys, they kissed on Seinfeld. He looks the same now as he did when he was 38 in that 1995 episode.


On a positive note, Lena Dunham wasn’t naked!
August 25th, 2014 under Lena Dunham. [ Comments: none ]

AP via The NY Post
On a negative note, everything else about her Emmy look.
I don’t need to say anything else because the cotton candy dress that looks like someone licked the bottom of it speaks for itself. Just like the fly at the end of the original The Fly, it’s screaming “Help me! Help me!”


Jimmy Kimmel actually took the subway to the Emmys!
August 25th, 2014 under Jimmy Kimmel. [ Comments: none ]

While almost every celebrity is riding in a limousine to the Emmys, Jimmy Kimmel and his wife took the subway. So while all those other people are stuck in traffic, the trip for the ABC late night host and Molly Mcnearney was smooth sailing. In a way it is brilliant because it is lot cheaper and a lot less of a headache to travel that way. Although it is the subway. I wonder what made them think of it, maybe they were inspired by Mariah Carey?
Talking about inspiration, Kimmel showed his support to the late great Robin Williams by wearing rainbow colored suspenders just like Mork from Ork.


Matt Damon did the ALS IBC with toilet water
August 25th, 2014 under ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, Matt Damon. [ Comments: none ]

We have seen celebrities use things other than water when taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Well Matt Damon did use water for his challenge, but he used it from a source that no one else has ever attempted before him. What is that source? He took the aqua from his toilet.
Why? I mean, ewwwww. Here in LA, we are going through a major drought and he didn’t want to waste any water. In addition, he wanted to prove the point that the toilet water here in “the West is actually cleaner than the water that most people in the developing world have access to.”
So besides bringing awareness to the ALS Association (which he donated money to), he also wanted to make people aware of his charity, His mission worked on me. Although it is going to take me, a while to get over being so grossed out. It’s toilet water. But if I am this horrified by it and it’s cleaner than some of the water people in parts of Africa are drinking, then we really need to make a difference as soon as we can. No one should drink water that is worse than the stuff that fills up toilet bowls before we fill them up with our own water.
Just one more time, but it is toilet water. So ewwwwwww.


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