Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » August
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Conan O’Brien will raise the dead to prove he’s never wrong!
August 20th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien challenges the viewers of his TBS show to let him know when and if he makes a mistake, but he never does.
Recently Conan did a segment on his show about Buzzfeed running out of lists, and he made up a fake list of the “12 Egyptian Mummies That are Still DTF”. In the bit they showed a photo of a mummy in a museum and said it was King Tut. Well Teddy, sent in a video from the pyramids telling him, it could not have been Tutankhamun because the Pharaoh has only left his tomb twice and he’s only been a few meters from his forever home when that happened. So he could not have been encased at a museum as the show said.
Conan replied with his own video, and it proves Teddy wrong. King Tut gets out all the time. In fact, he photobombed Teddy’s video. That’s right. Just because he’s been dead for almost 2,400 years that doesn’t mean he still can’t get around.
So watch the latest Fan Correction video and tell me who made the mistake, Teddy or Conan?


Is Hal Sparks’ Gale Harold joke funny or in bad taste?
August 20th, 2014 under Queer As Folk. [ Comments: 2 ]

Hal Sparks accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and he challenged his Queer as Folk costar to do it also. While that is all good and fine, it was how he described Gale Harold that I have a huge problem with. He chyroned him as “Great Actor/Bad motorcyclist”. What is wrong with that? Back on October 14, 2008, he was in really bad motorcycle accident. So even though it is has been almost six years since the accident, a joke like that is never funny. It might be an inside joke between them; but the rest of us aren’t in on it, so people like me don’t find it funny at all.
Kind of how I feel about Hal’s humor. In ways, I think he is jealous of Gale. First, Harold is so much sexier than him and he has to know that is how most people feel. In addition, I’ve seen him to do his standup, I’ve seen Gale answer questions from the press, and the latter is so much funnier. Hal’s probably jealous because he says he describes himself as a comedian, but Harold is naturally funny.
I mean I can be reading too much into those four words on the screen, but how can you not?
But then again, I might be biased. I’ll admit I am fan of Gale Harold’s work and I make sure to see the TV shows he is on and the movies he is in. I can’t remember the last time I tuned in to see anything of Hal’s.
So I ask you again, was that joke funny or in bad taste?
If you want to see Hal Sparks’ ALS Ice Challenge, then click here!


More flight attendants should be like him!
August 20th, 2014 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

How many times have we’ve all flown and heard the same boring safety instructions done by the flight attendants? You find yourself tuning them out instead of paying attention to them, which you should.
Well, there is a steward on Southwest Airlines who actually makes them fun. Actually, fun is too soft of a word to describe him and his verbal instructions because he’s absolutely ingenious and downright hysterical. Don’t take my word for it, watch the video if you need a laugh or if you are planning to fly in the near future.
I know I will never forget what he taught me. Unlike most of the time when I fly, and I forget what they said before the flight even takes off.


Lady Gaga or Jennifer Beals in Flashdance?
August 20th, 2014 under Jennifer Beals, Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Lady Gaga posted this photo of herself with Queen’s Brian May, but all I could notice is that she looks a lot like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance.
It used to be that people said she copied other musicians’ sounds (which I didn’t think) and now I am thinking she might be copying other celebrities’ looks. She used to be original looking, but in the last few weeks I have seen her looking more like Beals, Cher and Faye Dunaway as Joan Crawford in Mommie Dearest than herself.
What do you think?


The prank that almost killed Valerie Bertinelli in a morgue!
August 20th, 2014 under Pranks, Sean Hayes, Valerie Bertinelli. [ Comments: none ]

Valerie Bertinelli was filming a scene for Hot in Cleveland in a makeshift morgue, when she found herself almost being sent to a real one.
Melanie tells Joy on the phone, “Over my dead body,” as she looks at a dead body under a sheet. I guess she was expecting a dummy to be under it; because when the body suddenly sits up, she nearly has a heart attack.
The prankster is the Executive Producer of the show Todd Milliner, and the cuter than cute actress called him what she probably just did in her pants. Which you can’t blame her because we would all do the same thing.
That prank shows what a fun set they have for the sitcom and that is why it won’t be sent to the television morgue any time soon. So make sure to tune in tonight at 10p on TV Land for another hysterical episode.


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