Remember John Waite? |
May 28th, 2014 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]
via Getty Images
I don’t know about you, but I have been missing John Waite. Well, now that is no longer the case because the singer came out yesterday to be honored with a Sold Out night dedicated to him at the Grammy Museum in LA. So why the special honor? Because on May 13th he released Greatest Hits album, Best, that includes song from his solo career and with The Babys and Bad English. So if you are in the mood for some great ballads and rockin’ tunes, then you will definitely want to pick it up or download it ASAP.
Now when it comes to how the 61 year old looks today, I think he is looking the best I have ever seen him. He truly is one of those men who gets better with age! And he started off pretty gosh darn good looking.
Caption Kaley Cuoco |
May 28th, 2014 under Caption the Celeb, Kaley Cuoco. [ Comments: none ]

This picture of the vein Kaley Cuoco has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it!
Does the trailer for the James Brown biopic make you Get On Up? |
May 28th, 2014 under James Brown. [ Comments: none ]
The trailer is out for Get On Up and whoever edited it should be fired. I am sure the James Brown biopic that comes out on August 1st is going to be really good, but it is hard to tell from that trailer. The Godfather of Soul was larger than life and that was anything but.
Are you going to see it when it comes out or will you stay home and watch some of his videos on YouTube instead.
So You Think You Can Dance makes some changes |
May 28th, 2014 under SYTYCD. [ Comments: none ]
So You Think You Can Dance is dancing for its life this season that starts tonight at 8p on Fox, according to some of the Tweets that have been sent out by the Executive Producer, Nigel Lythgoe. So I guess that is why the show is making some major changes this season. One of the things they are doing is asking for Dance Crews to compete for a chance to perform during the finale. While that really isn’t a reason for me to watch, the other big change is. Lythgoe Tweeted, “No judge saves from the Top10 this year! And back to only one winner! It will be a tough decision but it will be America’s.#Season11 #SYTYCD”. While I liked having a male and female winner, it is kind of nice only having one true champion. But the change I like most is that the Top 10 is back in our hands. I mostly disagree with the judges choices, so I am glad that they no longer have the power that they have had. Had they had the power during the second season, Benji Schwimmer never would’ve made it to the finals, let alone win the whole thing.
Now if SYTYCD really wants to get my viewership again, then have the judges keep their critiques to less than three sentences. I hate how much they talk about themselves or the choreographer or the past contestant, anything but the person competing. I really don’t care what they have to say, I am watching for the dancing not them.
Are you still watching? Did you watch and give it up? What would make you watch the once great show again?
RIP Dr Maya Angelou |
May 28th, 2014 under Obits. [ Comments: none ]
Dr Maya Angelou left the world today at the age of 86 according to WGHP. The much adored poet and civil rights activist always knew the right thing to say, even her last Tweet was impactful. Her last published words read, “Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.” And now he is listening to her voice up in heaven.
So today spend the day reading her inspirational quotes, so even though her voice has been silenced we can still hear it loud and clear.
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