Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2014 » March
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Idina Menzel let it go with classroom instruments on The Tonight Show
March 3rd, 2014 under Jimmy Fallon, RENT. [ Comments: none ]

Hot off of singing Let It Go at the Oscars, Idina Menzel aka Adele Dazeem sang the Oscar winning song from Frozen on The Tonight Show tonight. She didn’t have an orchestra to back her up, instead it was Jimmy Fallon and The Roots using instruments you could find in a classroom to help out her powerful voice. The Rent star really Let It Go in this beautiful performance.
BTW I am sure every elementary school teacher is going to hate Jimmy Fallon starting tomorrow. Why? Because millions of girls are going to look for instruments they can find in their classroom to sing their favorite song like Menzel did on The Tonight Show over and over and over again. And it is only going to get worse for parents and teachers because Frozen is coming out on Home Video next Tuesday. Just when they thought it was safe to come out from the cold, Frozen is theirs to own whenever their kid wants to see it.


BTWF roles: Jennifer Coolidge on Seinfeld
March 3rd, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Jennifer Coolidge. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jennifer Coolidge was Legally Blonde, she was a red head on Seinfeld. She looks the same now as she did when she was 34 in that 1995 episode.


David Letterman gets mugged by a bird
March 3rd, 2014 under David Letterman. [ Comments: none ]

Jungle Jack Hannah was on The Late Show on Friday, and he gave David Letterman a $50 bill. Then he told the CBS late night host to stick out his arm, so he did. When he did that, a bird came out of no where and stole the money right out of his hand. Instead of being pissed, Dave was amazed. So much so, he asked the zookeeper for some more money. Just as Letterman put it in his hands, the bird came and stole it faster than a mugger in a dark alley.
I don’t know about you, but I want a bird like that. Actually who wouldn’t want a bird like that?


Dorian is reviewed on Almost Human and Being Human changes things up!
March 3rd, 2014 under Fox, Syfy. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight at 8p it is the season finale of Almost Human and that means it is time to evaluate Dorian’s (Michael Ealy) performance on the job. Will they decide to keep the decommissioned DRN on the force or will he be sent back to his pod?
Before we find out his fate, Kennex (Karl Urban) and him go on a case. The two of them have to look into a serial killer, who is going after homeless teens. It is Dorian’s computer that helps them solve the case, but is that enough to keep him working as a cop?
So tune in not only to find out, but also to show Fox we want this show to come back for a second season. Seriously, this show, Bones and Sleepy Hollow are Fox’s best dramas. Since the other two have already been picked up for another season, why can’t this show join the pack?

Tonight at 9p on Syfy’s Being Human, Sally (Meaghan Rath) is transported back to the day that she died. Can she change what happened to her on that day and save herself, or will she watch herself die again?
Since you find out by the first commercial what happens, I’ll tell you now that present day Sally enters her past self and survives. So if she is alive and not dead, what happens? Well you just have to tune in to find out. If you are a fan of the show, you are going to love what they do with this story over the next few episodes. And be even more pissed that the show was cancelled because this was a brilliant well played plot twist.


Kenny Loggins flies into the Danger Zone known as Archer tonight!
March 3rd, 2014 under FX. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p on Archer, Kenny Loggins guest stars as himself on the FX animated comedy. This appearance is something that has been 5 seasons in the making and the singer can thank is son for making it happen. You see, he told us on a conference call last week that his oldest son, Crosby, “has been writing letters to the Archer team at FX now for a couple years saying, ‘When are you going to put my dad on the show?'” Then he added, “I’m sure they’ve been blowing it off, but he kept telling me, ‘Dad, you should get somebody on this. You should be on that show.'” Well tonight it finally happens, so I guess they finally read Crosby’s letters.
So why was his son so insistent that his dad be on the show? Because Loggins’ song Danger Zone from Top Gun has been a long running joke on the show. So tonight you will hear him sing that song once again, but it is not going to sound like how you remember it. What that means, you will just have to tune in to hear it. But what I will tell you, out of all of his songs this is the last one he thought could be done the way they are doing it…
We know what his voice sounds like, but since this is an animated show you know, he won’t look like himself. Well he will, but it will be his ’80s self back when he sang the chart topping hit. So what was it like for him to see the animated version of himself? He said, “Well, I thought I looked a little bit like a terrorist.” You will have to watch the show to see if he really looks like one and why they made him look like that.
Now even though Loggins has had 3 of the biggest soundtrack hits of all time (I’m Alright, Footloose and Danger Zone), he hasn’t done much acting in his career. What he learned from doing Archer is he really liked doing voice over work and hopes to do more of it in the future. And yes, he wouldn’t mind doing a few more episodes of the FX show. So his son better start writing them a few more letters now.
Just an FYI to producers, he is busy this summer touring with his band Blue Sky Riders who are opening up for some singer named, Kenny Loggins. If you have never seen him in concert, I highly recommend it because he puts on a good show.


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