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Enter to win a The Starving Games DVD and signed poster!
January 17th, 2014 under Contests. [ Comments: 1 ]

The Starving Games, the funniest parody movie of 2013, is coming out on DVD next Tuesday, January 21st. In honor of the release I am giving away 3 Starving Games DVDs and one winner will also get a poster signed by the cast, Maiara Walsh (Switched at Birth), Brant Daugherty (DTWS, Pretty Little Liars, Cody Christian (Pretty Little Liars) and Ross Wyngaarden. All you have to do is email me the answer to “Which blockbuster is The Starving Games parodying?” at [email protected] by January 20th with your name and address! Three winners will chosen at random for the prizing below.

With all the laughs and half the calories, The Starving Games arrives on DVD January 21st! In their sixth cinematic spoof of popular box-office hits, Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer (Vampires Suck, Meet the Spartans) set their sights on the adventure blockbuster The Hunger Games! Join in the game as they sling dozens of cock-eyed, barbed arrows at sci-fi, action and fantasy films from The Avengers and The Expendables to pop culture characters and celebrities like Harry Potter and Taylor Swift.
When Kantmiss Evershot (Maiara Walsh, Switched at Birth) volunteers to take her manipulative younger sister’s place in the 75th annual Starving Games she must leave behind her smoldering just-a-friend Dale (Brant Daugherty, Pretty Little Liars, Dancing with the Stars) and team up with the geeky baker’s son Peter Malarkey (Cody Christian, Pretty Little Liars) in a fight for her life. But wait, there’s more! She could also win an old ham, a coupon for a footlong sub at a six-inch price, and a partially-eaten pickle!

Grand Prize: One (1) winner will receive a The Starving Games DVD and a signed poster.
Runner-up: Two (2) winners will receive a The Starving Games DVD.


BTWF ads: Sarah Michelle Gellar for Avon
January 17th, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Freddie Prinze Jr / Sarah Michelle Gellar. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Sarah Michelle Gellar was working for an advertising agency on The Crazy Ones, she was in an ad for Avon. How awwwdorbale was the 13 year old in that 1991 ad?


Will Brody choose the top floor or the Ground Floor tonight?
January 16th, 2014 under Bill Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p on the season finale of TBS’s Ground Floor, Brody (Skylar Astin) has a decision to make. Will he is stay in San Fransisco to be with, Jenny (Briga Heelan), the woman he just told that he loves, or will he take Mr Mansfield (John C. McGinley) up on his offer to run the brand new Hong Kong office? It is a tough decision to make and it’s made even tougher when both Jenny and Mr Mansfield tell him that they love him. By the end of the episode he will make his decision as he runs through the airport. Will he choose Jenny, who’s waiting at the gate going to Paris or Mr Mansfield at the one going to Hong Kong? You will just have to tune in to find out!
Oh and remember last week in the first part of this two parter, Threepeat (Rene Gube), found himself homeless after he told his landlord to suck it when he thought he got the job in Hong Kong? Well he moves in with Harvard (Rory Scovel) tonight who lives in the FuHo district. What is FuHo, you ask? Another great reason to tune in.
And you want to make you watch until the very last second for the show’s biggest reveal yet…
Ground Floor has proven to be a great addition to the TBS Very Funny lineup and I really hope that the network picks up this show for a second season. Well that and the cliffhanger that makes you want more, more, more because…I’ve already said too much.


Is Oprah Winfrey going to throw those veggies at the Oscar voters?
January 16th, 2014 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey wasn’t nominated for an Oscar today for her excellent work in The Butler, but she isn’t going to let that ruin her day. The head of OWN harvested her anger towards the Academy by harvesting some vegetables from her garden. How many of those voters can say they did that? Oh wait, not a good example, but you get my point. It’s Oprah freaking Winfrey and she can do and buy whatever she wants! Well maybe not an Oscar, but still you get my point.
Anyways, I love that she has a huge smile on her face and that she is showing her real hair. You know what I like it! She should let her hair be natural more often. Am I right?
Finally, I can’t believe that Oprah Winfrey is willing to let her hands get dirtier than I am. She harvests vegetables, cleans toilets and cooks for her pets, and I do none of that. I have people do that for me, unlike the woman who can afford it.


RIP Russell Johnson
January 16th, 2014 under Obits. [ Comments: none ]

Russell Johnson passed away this morning at the age of 89 according to his co-star, Dawn Wells. Johnson, was best known at The Professor stuck on Gilligan’s Island. Even though he had a long career, it was this role that people of all ages since 1964 have fallen in love with him over.
Earlier today, TV Land announced that Gilligan’s Island is rejoining their lineup on Monday, so make sure to watch at least one episode during the 12 hour marathon that starts at 9a, to keep his spirit alive. And maybe have some coconut pie while you watch him try to invent different things that will help them get off the Island, but none of those things ever seem to work.


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