Vin Diesel thanks Paul Walker’s fans for showing the love |
December 3rd, 2013 under Obits, Vin Diesel. [ Comments: none ]
Paul Walker and Vin Diesel became household names after they did the first Fast and Furious flick when it was released in 2001, and after many sequels together they formed a special bond. Yesterday Dominic Toretto came out to honor his fallen friend, Brian O’Conner at the site where we lost him on Sunday. The actor grabbed one of the police car radios to broadcast a special message he has for all of Walker’s fans that have been visiting his shrine in Valencia, Ca. He said, “I just wanted to say to all of you, if my brother were here right now and he saw all the love you were bringing here. If he could see for himself that all of you have showed up to show my brother love at this hard time. And the family gets to see all of you, to show the love you have shown Paul. It’s gonna stay with me forever.†Then he added, “I just wanted to say, ‘Thank you, thank you for coming down here and showing that angel up in heaven how much you appreciated him.’” And with that he put the radio down and the crowd cheered him. Somewhere up in heaven Paul is thanking his brother for those kind words.
So today honor Paul Walker’s legacy by donating to his charity Reach Out Worldwide.
CNN is the new MTV and TLC |
December 3rd, 2013 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]
Remember when MTV stood for Music Television, and they showed these things called music videos? Remember when TLC stood for The Learning Channel before they aired shows like Toddlers & Tiaras and Jon & Kate Plus 8? Well Jeff Zucker (sounds like hooker) revealed to Capital New York that CNN will soon be doing a lot less News on the Cable News Network. Just like Headline News, sorry HLN, who dropped the headline news coverage a while ago.
Zucker, who has been running the network (further in to the ground) for about a year, has not had a successful news program launch since he started. His morning show is a bust, Crossfire didn’t even cause a spark and the rest is losing viewers when the crap isn’t hitting the fan in the news world. The only thing that has been doing well under his so-far failed reign are the documentary programs like Blackfish and Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown, so he has decided he wants to do more of that type of programming, instead of letting news be the star.
CNN recently had a gathering for people who had been with the company for 30 years and then a few weeks later laid a few of them off. In fact, a lot of the old timers lost their jobs over the last year, and sounds like even more of them will. That is because he plans to use outside production companies to fill some of their primetime slots. He even said in the article that he is thinking of having half hour shows in during that time. Here’s an idea, get rid of the unlikable Piers Morgan and try to bring back Larry King. It has gotten so bad over at CNN for the names we trusted that this weekend when I watching their news coverage, I was thinking how much longer will they allow the very well-versed Candy Crowley to keep her job over there. On that note, how is Wolf Blitzer, who is as exciting as watching paint dry, still anchoring as much news as he is during their daytime hours.
Actually, the best idea is to bring back news, something they have seemed to forget about. News is what made the network a star and the most trusted name in news, a while back. It was a documentary type program that hurt the network’s image. Yes, that plot from HBO’s Newroom this season really happened at CNN back in 1998 and they have never been the same.
Someone needs to borrow James Earl Jones from Sprint and have him record CNN’s news slogan, “This was CNN” because it is no longer the CNN we knew and trusted. It is a sad day for the once prominent news channel.
Hot Links! |
December 2nd, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Guess whose side boob? – GCeleb
Don't call Kim Kardashian a bad mom – Popbytes
What's coming up next on The Walking Dead? – Rickey
Who screwed up their hair with a DIY dye job? – Bohomoth
See the first pictures from the set of Fifty Shades of Grey – Dlisted
The camera force is with Darth Vader! |
December 2nd, 2013 under Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

If the best thing to come out of Disney buying Star Wars is Darth Vader posting a selfie on Instagram, then I am OK with whatever they do next. Oh, and the purchase!
BTWF roles: Paul Walker in Monster in the Closet |
December 2nd, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
Before Paul Walker was trying to get away from drug lords in Into the Blue, he needed some help getting away from the Monster in the Closet. How cute was the 10 year old actor in 1987 movie that was filmed in 1983?
BTW, did you catch that was an 8 year old Fergie at the beginning of the video?
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