Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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Look it’s Bob Saget riding John Stamos from behind!
August 12th, 2013 under Full House, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]

Whoops I meant, Look it’s Bob Saget riding behind John Stamos. Honest mistake or was it?
So what is the story behind the photo? John Stamos Tweeted it and said “how come it’s MY BIRTHDAY MONTH – and I’M haveing to drive @bobsaget around SF?? i don’t get it.” Because everyone wants to stare at Stamos when given the opportunity and not have him staring at them if they can help it.
Now when it comes to Uncle Jesse and Danny’s trip to SF, I really hope they visited their old Full House together while they were there.


Ooh ooh ooh, Bruce Springsteen’s body is still on fire
August 12th, 2013 under Bruce Springsteen. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Bruce Springsteen is on vacation in Mallorca and the 63 year old singer proved that his body still many glory days ahead of him. Seriously don’t you still want to be dancing in the dark with him? I mean I know I want to knock on his door and recite the lyrics to I’m on Fire to him after seeing these pictures. Who knew he had all of that under his jeans and T-shirt?


Breaking Bad’s theme performed with stuff you’d use in a meth lab!
August 12th, 2013 under AMC. [ Comments: none ]

So Andrew Huang went on to Google to look up the items that are used in a meth lab, since he says he doesn’t know how to make the drug himself. Once he had his list, he used them to recreate Breaking Bad’s theme song. What we got is something that will make us feel like we smoked meth because it is so cool to see and hear what he came up with all of those items.
Like he doesn’t know what is used in meth lab, I don’t know what it is like to smoke the stuff so I’m assuming that watching this video will make you feel that way.


Justin Bieber shows off his baby, baby smooth body
August 12th, 2013 under Justin Bieber. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Bieber was photographed naked playing with his instrument as seen in these pictures obtained by TMZ. So why was he just wearing his birthday suit and a guitar? Back in October the singer was staying at his grandmother’s for Canada’s Thanksgiving and he overslept. So he decided to prank his family by serenading them without any clothes on. Everyone thought it was funny, but his grandmother insisted that he go back into his room and put on some clothes.
BTW nothing says love like a family member selling you out for a few bucks.


Hot Links!
August 11th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who thinks she is better than us? – Dlisted
Who came out as straight? – Rickey
 Charlize Theron in a tin red bikini – GCeleb
Who did Obama break up with? – Celebitchy
Who only eats organic? – Girls Talking Smack
Who blames their seizure on us? – Amy Grindhouse
Listen to Katy Perry's new leaked song – Popbytes
Charlie Sheen and lots of topless women – Bohomoth

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