Josh Duhamel is looking bigger down there these days! |
August 13th, 2013 under Fergie, Josh Duhamel. [ Comments: 2 ]

Josh Duhamel Tweeted the above picture and I couldn’t help but notice that his balls are looking a lot bigger now. So is the sperm backing up because he probably isn’t having sex with his very pregnant wife, Fergie? Nope, it is just a bit for Jimmy Kimmel Live!
I am assuming the ABC late night show is referencing the TLC special The Man with the 132-lb Scrotum that is airing this Monday at 9p. Let me tell you Wesley Warren Jr’s story will really intrigue you.
If you want to see video that goes with this picture, then click here.
BTWF roles: Ashley Greene on Crossing Jordan |
August 13th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]
(starts at 2:34 in)
Before Ashley Greene was immortal in Twilight, she was mortal on Crossing Jordan. She looks the same now as she did when she was 18 in that 2006 episode.
Oh no, Sandra Oh is checking out of Grey’s Anatomy! |
August 13th, 2013 under Shonda Rhimes. [ Comments: none ]
The bad news is that Sandra Oh is leaving Grey’s Anatomy, the good news is that won’t be until the end of this season. She told The Hollywood Reporter, “Creatively, I really feel like I gave it my all, and I feel ready to let her go.” Then the Oscar nominee/Emmy winner added “It’s such an interesting thing to play a character for so long and to actually get the sense that she wants to be let go as well. [Cristina] wants to be let go, and I am ready to let her go. We have to start the process, story-wise, for the Grey’s writers to think of why she’s going to go.” Since we are a season of episodes away until she leaves the show, how she will depart the drama is unknown at this time. It is also unknown if she is the only original who will be leaving the show at the end of the season because Patrick Dempsey, Ellen Pompeo, Justin Chambers, James Pickens Jr. and Chandra Wilson are also up. I wouldn’t be surprised if at least one more of the departs the show. What disaster do you think that Shonda Rhimes has planned for the end of the season, just in case she has to kill a few more of her cast members off? Place crash, done. Ferry accident, done. Hospital mass shooting, done. Bomb, done. Major storm, done. So it likes death by fire, as in burning down the hospital is one of the few disasters left for them to experience.
Personally I checked out last year, so I can totally understand why she is leaving and why others might follow.
Sean Hayes’ new show Sean Saves the World is an action one? |
August 13th, 2013 under Sean Hayes. [ Comments: none ]
If you are like me, then you thought Sean Hayes new show Sean Saves the World was a sitcom and you would be wrong. NBC just released a promo for the Thursday night show and looks like it is going to be a drama where each week Sean will try to save the world…literally. So did they change the premise for the very funny show that also stars Linda Lavin? I guess we will have to wait until October 3rd at 9p to find out.
Heroes of Cosplay is an like a beauty pageant for adult geeks! |
August 13th, 2013 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]
So there is a world where people dress up as their favorite characters and compete against each other at different conventions. Tonight at 10:30p Syfy takes a look at the Heroes of Cosplay and you get to hear why they do it in the 6-part series. You will also get to see how much effort goes into to putting their looks together and it is a lot of work and costly. See how hard it is for them to compete in the contests, and also hard it is for the judges to pick the winners.
This is a lifestyle that many people take seriously and it is really interesting to see all the steps they go through to make it happen. It really is like Toddlers & Tiaras meets Project Runway but with adult geeks.
Check it out because you never know, you might have found your next new hobby!
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