Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » August
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How does the Modern Family cast feel about turning 100?
August 23rd, 2013 under Modern Family. [ Comments: none ]

Believe it or not Modern Family is shooting their 100th episode, and yesterday they had their table read for it. Show creator Steve Leviatan Tweeted this picture from it and they look like they are having as much getting ready for it as we have watching the show every Wednesday! Either that or Ty Burrell said something really funny. I am thinking it is a little bit of both!
I can’t wait for this comedy, that revived sitcoms, to come back on to ABC Wednesday, September 25th.


This puppet video is a CATastrophe
August 23rd, 2013 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

So some company called Macaroni Dimension Films made a music video with a stuffed cat and I am going to be nightmares for weeks. The kitty is so lifelike and fake looking at the same time that I am officially creeped out.
The last time I was this horrified is when Abby Lee Miller picked up Broadway Baby from the taxidermist.


Does this Kia commercial deserve Applause?
August 23rd, 2013 under Ads, Lady Gaga. [ Comments: none ]

Kia released a new ad for one of their cars with some fat hamsters determined to lose weight all while Lady Gaga’s Applause plays in the background.
After watching that ad in its entirety, I don’t know what to make of it. But I think it is one of the worst advertisements I have ever seen. Seriously what were they thinking when they came up with this concept and then approved it to be made?


Finally it’s North West!
August 23rd, 2013 under Kanye West, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

After over two months of waiting, we finally got a picture of North West and it came at a cost. Not to us, but to Kaye West who had to appear on his baby mama’s mother’s show.
Now that his daughter with Kim Kardashian has been exposed, I predict we will be seeing a whole lot more of her and her mother. And when I say a whole lot more, I mean a whole lot more!


Hot Links!
August 22nd, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is wearing those tight pants? – Celebitchy
Who got their 22nd #1 hit? – Rickey
Stacy Keibler in a tiny bikini – GCeleb
Is this Demi Lovato nude? – Celebslam
You don't get close to Rihanna – Popbytes
Who was caught picking his nose? –  Dlisted
Who took their date to a cemetery? – Bohomoth
Miley Cyrus in really short shorts – Amy Grindhouse
Bryan Cranston in high school! – Whitney Jefferson

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