Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » July
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Do pearls class up Rihanna’s outift?
July 2nd, 2013 under Rihanna. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Rihanna attended the Chanel show at Paris Fashion Week dressed like that. I guess she thought those pearls classed up the outfit, and she was wrong. Nothing can make her look elegant with that underboob tattoo or in a dress (if you can call it one) like that.


Betty White admits she is a terrible flirt!
July 2nd, 2013 under Betty White. [ Comments: 1 ]

Betty White is 91 years young and she told InTouch she feels “much wiser, much more aware and much sexier” at her age now. Then the Golder Girl added, “I like being my age, you really do get more comfortable with yourself over time.”
Even though she is comfortable with her age, how old does she really feel? She said she’s a “teenager trapped in an old body.” And just like a teen she admitted she’s a “terrible flirt — I love to do it! I get my jollies that way!” What guy wouldn’t love to have her flirt with him?
And when it comes to us, we get our jollies watching her in every project she does.


Johnny Depp didn’t get the girls in high school
July 2nd, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Johnny Depp. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Johnny Depp was on 21 Jump Street, every girl in high school has wanted to make out with him. But when Johnny Depp was in high school, he could barely get any girl to kiss him.
Yesterday the man who never ages was on Jimmy Kimmel Live! yesterday and Depp kissed him on the cheek and then twice on the lips (he also kissed him again on the lips at the end of the interview, but that is not pertinent to the story). After their liplocks the ABC host declared, “That’s more kissing than I did in all of high school.” To which Depp replied, “Me too.” Wait, what? Were those girls idiots? I am sure now they feel that way because they could’ve been telling their grandkids that their first kiss was with Jack Sparrow, but no, they missed their chance. Dumb b!tches. If I went to high school with him, I would’ve done more than just kissed him. I mean look at him.
But now back to him, what does he attribute as the reason why those girls missed out on all that is him. He said back then, “In high school, I was kind of the long haired.” I don’t know what was wrong with them, I would’ve thought that is something to grab hold of and run my fingers through. Oh well, their loss or should we say keep?
After those kisses they went on to talk about more stuff, but to me is was all wah wah wah because all I could think of was what were those girls thinking?
Now when it comes to Kimmel, he had a really good night. Not only did he get 4 kisses from Johnny Depp, he also got kissed on the lips by Rebecca Romijn. No word if after that lip exchange, if Jerry O’Connell gave him a matching black eye for kissing his wife even though she kissed him.


Hot Links!
July 1st, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is showing off her new boobs? – Dlisted
Christina Milan in a bikini – GCeleb
Kate Upton is Vogueing – Yeeeah!
Who was suicidal at 7? – Celebitchy
Who will we be seeing more of on Glee? – Rickey
What are the 5 worst films of the years so far? – Pajiba
What did Amanda Bynes say on Twitter now? – Amy Grindhouse

BTWF roles: David Spade in Baywatch
July 1st, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

via The Tonight Show
Before David Spade was Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star, he had to get his start somewhere and he got it on Baywatch. How cute was the 25 year in that 1989 episode.


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