Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » July
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Will James Franco be toasted when he’s Roasted?
July 10th, 2013 under Comedy Central, James Franco. [ Comments: none ]

Comedy Central has picked the next person that they are going to Roast and his names is James Franco. Although I thought he was already roasted when he hosted the Oscars? At least it felt like it, right? Especially afterwards.
No word who will be roasting him on the special that airs this Labor Day, but I really hope they change up the comedians. I am just so over the same jokes from Jeff Ross and such. They need some new blood and there are plenty of comedians who are worth to sit on that dais. If I could pick, then I would love to see them add Daniel Tosh and/or Bo Burnham to the mix.
BTW I bet there will be more pot smoked at his roast than there was at Flavor Flav’s with Snoop Dogg. Now that was a good roast!
Finally I really hope his grandmother is there because she is the coolest person in his family!


Another reason why Smell-O-Vision works for Here Comes Honey Boo Boo!
July 10th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

We are just a week from the long awaited season premiere of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo on TLC at 9p and now we know why they have Scratch’n’Sniff cards for the season premiere! Mama June’s family likes to wrestle and they have a secret move called Cup-a-Fart. Which is what you would expect it to be, they put their hands over their butt as they fart and then direct that smell to their opponent. And hopefully we will get to experience that yummy scent when we watch the show next week. My index finger and my nose are ready to redneckognize whatever they throw their way! Yee haw!


The Mayor of Dorset, Minn. is just 4 years old!
July 10th, 2013 under Odd. [ Comments: none ]

Bobby Tufts is just 4 years old and he already is the Mayor of his town. Now before you think, why would the 20+ people of Dorset, Minnesota elect a 3 year old to (that’s how old he was at the time) the position? That is not how they do it in their town. So how do they do it? Each year at the Taste of Dorset Festival, people pay a $1 to have their name entered into the race and the Mayor of that year draws his or her replacement according to AP. Bobby has had such a good time running things that he is once again putting his name in the hat. Hopefully he will pick out his name on August 4th because he has been doing wonders for the town as you can see in the interview he did with WCCO.
Heck I bet he is better Mayor than most of the ones we have actually voted for.


Watch Justin Bieber pee in a restaurant’s mop bucket
July 10th, 2013 under Justin Bieber. [ Comments: 1 ]

As we all know Justin Bieber has turned into a real little brat, and now TMZ has video proof what a little sh!t he has become. The singer and his “friends” cut through a restaurant earlier this year and the Baby had to pee. So instead of using their bathroom like a descent person, he peed in their mop bucket as his “friends” video recorded it. To make matters worse as he left, he picked up a bottle of cleaning solution, squirted it on a picture of the 42nd President and said “F*ck Bill Clinton”.
What a classless ungrateful little sh!t. I get that kids will be kids, but as crazy as I was at his age I never did the stuff he did in that video. His mother needs to come and get him, and ground his droopy a$$. He started out as a good little boy, but now he is turned into a rock star that even some of the rowdiest ones wouldn’t want to hang with. I bet even Ozzy Osbourne would be like what’s wrong with him?
Seriously if he is acting like this when he isn’t even old enough to drink in The States, what is he going to be like when he can legally down alcohol???


Hot Links!
July 9th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who had one too many? – Dlisted
Sharon Stone forgot her bra – Hollywood PQ
Which View host got her own talk show? – Rickey
See how Amanda Bynes showed up to court – GCeleb
What is Kanye West mad about now? – Amy Grindhouse
Kristen Stewart will always wash her car now! – Bohomoth
Justin Bieber made his fans cry and not in a good way – Celebitchy

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