Was The Cosby Show opening the inspiration for Blurred Lines? |
July 10th, 2013 under Alan and Robin Thicke. [ Comments: none ]
So some guy called Garlic Jackson Comedy replaced The Cosby Show theme music from the sitcom’s opening with Robin Thicke’s Blurred Lines and what we got was pure perfection. Seriously I never realized how much the two were alike until this mashup. So much so, you have to wonder if it was the inspiration for the video nearly 3 decades later.
BTWF roles: Rachel Griffiths in Secrets |
July 10th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]
(starts at 5:04 in)
Before Rachel Griffith owned a summer Camp, she worked for a small, secret, government agency dealing with national security in Secrets. She looks the same now as she did when she was 25 in that 1994 episode.
Camp is as much fun as camp! |
July 10th, 2013 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]
We might be too old to go to summer camp, but we can still enjoy it bug-free every Wednesday on NBC at 10p with Camp!
It is that time of year for Little Otter Family Camp to open their doors and the kids can’t wait to get away from their parents. Well everyone but Buzz (Charles Grounds), whose mom runs the camp. Mackenzie Granger (Rachel Griffiths) is running Little Otter Family Camp by herself for the first time because she just got divorced from Buzz’s dad. This won’t be an easy task for her because the camp is having some financial difficulties and Roger Shepard (Rodger Corser), who runs the neighboring camp, is more than willing to buy it from her. She doesn’t want to give it up because it has been in her family for three generations, but she just might have to.
Now it isn’t only about the grownups at Little Otter Family Camp, it also about the kids and the counselors who work there. Cole (Nikolai Nikolaeff) is the handyman around the camp, but he wants to be handy with someone who isn’t interested in him. Kip Wampler (Thom Green) is a Counselor-In-Training, and he has yet to come out of his shadow. He will try his hardest to with fellow-CIT Marina Barker (Lily Sullivan), who needed to get away from her life for a while. And the thing she wanted to get away from will catch up with her at camp. Then there’s Senior Counselors Robbie Matthews (Tim Pocock) and Sarah Brennen (Dena Kaplan), who have been going to Little Otter Family since they were youngsters and been dating just as long.
All of them will try to have as much fun as possible, but life keeps getting in the way. Even though it does, they won’t let it bother them that much. They will all have that bond, that you only get when you go to summer camp. You know exactly what I am talking about!
Camp has that ’80s and ’90s teen drama feel, but with more of an adult vibe. So it’s like we get to reminisce about two things from our teen years, but we get to enjoy those things as an adult and like an adult! So get the marshmallows out and enjoy Camp in your comfy bed with the air conditioner on tonight and every Wednesday at 10p on NBC.
Diana Kruger couldn’t stop crying when she met Don Johnson |
July 10th, 2013 under Don Johnson, Jimmy Kimmel, Quentin Tarantino. [ Comments: 3 ]
(starts at 1:50 in)
Diane Kruger was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and she told him about meeting her celebrity crush. Back when she was just an early teen, she became obsessed Don Johnson. Not for his acting on Miami Vice, but for his song Heartbeat. In fact when she was 13 years old, she made out to his song.
Well she told Quentin Tarantino that she was infatuated him, so when he worked him on Django Unchained the director invited her to come down and meet him. She said it would be too much if she did, so she didn’t take him up on his offer.
Fast forward a few months later, she was at an Oscar party with her boyfriend Joshua Jackson and QT, and who should show up? Yep, Crockett himself. As soon as she saw she became extremely emotional. So much so that Jackson had to tell her to calm down and Johnson had to tell her he was walking away. Now even though their first meeting didn’t go over too well, we all still got a beautiful picture out of it.
I don’t know why he didn’t stay because most men would be flattered to have her obsessed with them. Especially someone that is a little older like he is now. Don’t you agree?
BTW if you didn’t know he had an album out once upon a time, here is the video to the song that made Kruger’s heart beat a lot faster when she heard it. You know, I wonder if Jackson and her have had sex to it? I am sure they have!!!
Animals do it better! |
July 10th, 2013 under Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday on The Tonight Show, Jay Leno compared popular viral videos to each other. First he aired the two-legged version and then followed up with four legged one that was like it. I have to say the cats, the dogs and the birds of the world do it so much better than us humans! That is why they have us trained way faster than we can train them.
Seriously how cute and funny are these videos?
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