Sharknado was a bloody Tweet! |
July 12th, 2013 under Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

Sharknado took Twitter by storm and no one was prepared for all the press that the Ian Ziering/Tara Reid/Cassie Scerbo movie was going to get via more Tweets than there were sharks in those tornadoes. In fact Syfy executive Craig Engler Tweeted, “People. #Sharknado stats: 387K social mentions (97% driven by Twitter with the top hashtags #sharknado #syfy), five thousand tweets a minute” Then he added, “There were more than 604,000 tweets about the irresistible #Sharknado from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. ET on Thurs” Dang who knew the little movie that was absurd as its name would attract the likes of Mia Farrow, Elizabeth Banks, Wil Wheaton and Shawn Ryan to name just a few of the very many. But it did and it became a viral smash that people all over the world got to enjoy together. That’s make Twitter so much fun!
BTW if you missed the movie directed by Anthony Ferrante, you can watch it on July 18th at 7p.
This news story is too much for me to bear! |
July 12th, 2013 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]
So there was a man in Rhode Island who encountered a big black bear outside his house and he was able escape from it. Thankfully he did because WJAR decided to do a story about it and they sent their best reporter Julie Tremmel to cover it.
Now the package itself is awesome, especially the part where he told her the cops asked him, “If he had time to change his shorts before they showed up.” Then he tells her, “Fortunately I did.”
Now that is great, but not really postworthy. What sold me on the story was the reenactment that Julie Tremmel did to show people what to do if you have come face-to-face with a bear. You just have to watch the :40 second instructional video she made to see why she deserves the Pulitzer for her excellent reporting. She is what the next generation of reporters should strive to be when they get out into the world of journalism.
Seriously, I thought this news report was joke, so I did my research and I found out it was real. I don’t know if I should be relieved or not that I found out it wasn’t faked.
xoxo Alison Arngrim!
Miley Cyrus’ We Can’t Stop goes to the dogs! |
July 12th, 2013 under Animals, Miley Cyrus. [ Comments: none ]
The Pet Collective is at again with their four legged friends and this time they took on Miley Cyrus’ We Can’t Stop. I am glad they didn’t stop because it is so much better the the video they were parodying. The only negative is that we didn’t see the bitches Twerk, but other than that it was easier to watch than looking at Miley back dry hump a bed over and over again.
Ever wonder how Kevin James cut his toenails? |
July 12th, 2013 under David Letterman, Kevin James. [ Comments: none ]
Kevin James was on The Late Show and David Letterman asked what he weighs on the scale. Before you freak out, he was doing it so that he could set the King of Queens to talk about a recent pedicure he got. Why did James get a pedicure because he claims that his got “cooker” has gotten so big that he has a hard time cutting his toenails. So much so that he described to the CBS host what an obstacle it is for him to do it. Files this under things I never needed to know.
Hot Links! |
July 11th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]
Who's the dog under the dog? – Dlisted
A Big Brother melt down! – Rickey
Halle Berry pregnant and braless – HPQ
Lana Del Ray has no clothes on – GCeleb
Who did Kris Jenner ban from talk shows? – WJ
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