Back in 2011, Oprah Winfrey said Soaps were done for and that she would not help save All My Children and One Life to Live. Well a lot has happened in two years and guess what OWN is airing starting on July 15th? That’s right All My Children and One Life to Live are coming to Oprah Winfrey’s Network. They struck a deal to air the first 40 episodes from Prospect Park. For 10 weeks at 1p you can watch AMC and then at 3p OLTL is on Mondays to Thursdays. These episodes will only be a half hour long, so mark your calendars because how much fun would it be if there were the biggest thing that OWN has. It would be like a big FU to Oprah for saying Daytime Dramas were dead! And c’mon who hasn’t wanted to tell her she has been wrong about something for years?
Long live Soap Operas!!!
Richard Simmons dressed as Peter Pan yesterday proving that the nearly 65 year old Weight Saint has no intentions of ever growing up! And you know what, that is just how we like him! May he be a kid at heart forever! And me he not sweat his up coming birthday. Well he can sweat when he working out, but that is the only time.
Heather Locklear was a guest on Conan O’Brien’s TBS talk show tonight and he unearthed a workout video she did in 1990. I am sure you boys will be adding it to your late night video viewing, if you know what I mean.
And since you guys have been good to me, here is a much longer clip of her workout video. Plus I am including some bonus footage of her doing aerobics back in 1982 on TJ Hooker. You are welcome!
Before Sasha Alexander knew all the medical terms about death on Rizolli and Isles, she didn’t know any of the birth ones in Twins Falls Idaho. How funny was the 25 year old in that 1999 movie?