Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers who cleaned our crap when we were babies, took our crap when we were teenagers and give us crap when we are adults! Honor them today by showing then how special they are too us and don’t make them watch movies that are crap!
Imagine you are an American tourist taking a trip to Chile for a relaxing vacation when all of a sudden the country is hit by the biggest earthquake it has ever seen. What would you do? When the town and the people are crumbling around you. That is the premise for Aftershock that is out now in theaters.
Gringo (Eli Roth) is in Chile enjoying his trip when he meets Pollo (Nicolas Martinez) and Ariel (Ariel Levy) and they tell him they will show him the true country. The three men meet American stepsisters Monica (Andrea Osvart) and Kylie (Lorenza Izzo) and their Russian friend Irina (Natasha Yarovenko) who decide to join them on their adventure to Valparaiso. Once they get their they take in the best the town has to offer, including the most tantalizing bar. Just as the fun begins, their world be shaken by a massive earthquake. They are surrounded by death and panic as they try to make their way out of the club and to what they think will be safety. When they get out of the bar, they realize things are so much worse than they thought. Now the 4 tourists, who have no idea where they are and don’t speak the language, will have to get out of where ever they are with their two tour guides, one who has suffered a major injury.
But it isn’t only the quake they have to be afraid of, the prisons have all been destroyed and the prisoners are running wild. They are killing, raping and destroying everyone and everything in their path. Now our leads are running from them, a possible Tsunami and aftershocks in a place that has been completely destroyed.
Will they be able to get out of there alive? You will have see this suspenseful, movie written by Roth and López, that will have you on the edge of your seat with your hands over your eyes.
Before the ugliness of the quake hits, you will see the beautiful sites of Chile. So don’t put your hands over your eyes until then. Then once the quake hits be prepared for lost of Roth type blood and gore and you will definitely want to cover your eyes then.
Well yesterday some shows were getting renewed for another season, but that was then and this is now.
SouthLAnd took off its bulletproof vest for a second and TNT shot it right through the heart. Since Monday Mornings was also closed for business permanently today, there was no show left at the place that knows drama to save it. Over at CBS CSI: NY was also shot and killed, meaning for the first time since 2002 there will only be one CSI on the Eye. CBS also decided not to gamble on another season for Vegas, so they took their losses and ran. NBC decided that Go On shouldn’t.
And through all of this ABC hasn’t said what shows will be back and which ones won’t.
UPDATE: ABC is starting to announce what will be on their fall lineup. Nashville has something to sing about because it is coming back, but Reba’s show Malibu Country lost its voice. Once Upon a Time will not be living happily ever just yet as it will be back too. Scandal got the presidential seal of approval for a renewal and Grey’s Anatomy has the right medicine for another season. Castle has at least one more chapter in him. Suburgatory is advancing to its junior year. Who will Emily Thorne get Revenge next year in the Hamptons? Modern Family was a no brainer to return, so it is. While Happy Endings just got a sad ending from ABC. Body Proof has been sent to the morgue in a black bag with a toe tag. The Red Widow has joined her husband in hell because she ain’t coming back. The Neighbors are staying on Earth for at least another year. The Middle is staying put! We won’t be finding How To Live With Your Parent (For the Rest of Your Life) because ABC moved out. Last Man Standing is still standing on ABC. Family Tools, the worst show of the new season won’t be back!
The students at Greendale just can’t graduate because NBC shockingly picked up Community for another season. NBC will not be giving birth to another season of The New Normal. The curtain goes down on Smash.
Let’s be real how many times has a man in your life been like I can’t find my keys, the phone, the remote and so on? Well Spouse Saucer will solve that problem. He will have everything he needs right there for him, whenever he needs it.
I know after I saw the ad for it on The Tonight Show yesterday, I grabbed the phone and got my dad one.
For some reason when I think of Patrick Stewart, I think of him as being so stiff with no sense of humor. But after seeing this “Self portrait with candy floss” that he Tweeted, I have completely changed my mind. Seriously isn’t that the cutest selfie that you have seen on Twitter.