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The NBC fall/spring lineup is…
May 12th, 2013 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

NBC announced their schedule for the fall and the spring and their new motto is “If it is broken, fix it!” At least that is what I am assuming it is because only three of the shows are keeping their timeslots. All the other shows are getting new ones and/or days. Let’s see it if works for them. I mean how much worse can it get?
When it comes to the changes they made, it will be interesting to see how it pans out for them. Moving a 10p show to 8p, will most likely change the feel of Revolution because it is on during a family. That should be interesting because the show has been so much more violent the second half of the season. And to be honest, so much better. When it comes to Parenthood moving it to Thursdays at 10p, I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing. I mean when NBC had “Must See Thursdays” it would make sense, but ever since they lost their Friends it has no longer been the case. So is it the network showing faith in the show, or have they given up on the night. Hopefully Chicago Fire won’t be hurt by it’s new night. I mean it worked for Smash airing after The Voice, oh wait… I also think that NBC made a smart move by trimming the fatty hour off of The Biggest Lose and having it air only once a year. People are burned out on too many reality shows.
Here’s to hoping they have a better season!

Here is the new lineup:

(New programs in UPPER CASE; all times ET)

8-10 p.m. – “The Voice”
10-11 p.m. – “THE BLACKLIST”

8-9 p.m. – “The Biggest Loser” (New Day and Time)
9-10 p.m. – “The Voice” (New time)
10-11 p.m. – “Chicago Fire” (New Day and Time)

8-9 p.m. – “Revolution” (New Day and Time)
9-10 p.m. – ”Law & Order: SVU”
10-11 p.m. – “IRONSIDE”

8-8:30 p.m. – “Parks and Recreation” (New time)
8:30-9 p.m. – “WELCOME TO THE FAMILY”
9-9:30 p.m. – “SEAN SAVES THE WORLD”
9:30-10 p.m. – “THE MICHAEL J. FOX SHOW”
10-11 p.m. – “Parenthood” (New Day and Time)

8-9 p.m. – “Dateline NBC”
9-10 p.m. – “Grimm”
10-11 p.m. – “DRACULA”

Encore programming

7:00-8:15 p.m. – “Football Night in America”
8:15-11:30 p.m. – “NBC Sunday Night Football”

(New programs in UPPER CASE; all times ET)

8-10 p.m. – “The Voice”
10-11 p.m. – “THE BLACKLIST”

8-9 p.m. – “The Voice”
9-9:30 p.m. – “ABOUT A BOY”
9:30-10 p.m. – “THE FAMILY GUIDE”
10-11 p.m. – “Chicago Fire”

8-9 p.m. – “Revolution”
9-10 p.m. – ”Law & Order: SVU”
10-11 p.m. – “IRONSIDE”

8-8:30 p.m. – “Parks and Recreation”
8:30-9 p.m. – “WELCOME TO THE FAMILY”
9-9:30 p.m. – “SEAN SAVES THE WORLD”
9:30-10 p.m. – “THE MICHAEL J. FOX SHOW”
10-11 p.m. – “Parenthood”

8-9 p.m. – “Dateline NBC”
9-10 p.m. – “Grimm”
10-11 p.m. – “CROSSBONES”

8-10 p.m. – Encore and specials programming
10-11 p.m. – “Saturday Night Live” (Encore)

7-8 p.m. – “Dateline NBC”
9-10 p.m. – “BELIEVE”
10-11 p.m. – “CRISIS”

To read about the new shows then click here!


Seth Meyers is the new host of Late Night
May 12th, 2013 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: none ]

NBC announced today that Seth Meyers will be replacing Jimmy Fallon on Late Night, who is replacing Jay Leno on The Tonight Show in 2014. Does anyone besides Robert Greenblatt and Lorne Michaels actually think this is a good idea? Seriously has he proven himself to be worthy of the job? Does anyone even know who he is? I am sure I am not the only one who confuses him for Andy Samberg. I do that because he hasn’t done anything for me to remember him by. He is a snoozefest. Which I guess is a good thing because that is what people are trying to do when they actually stay up to watch the NBC late night show at 12:35a.
I just thought of a few people who are loving this idea The head of CBS Les Moonves, Craig Ferguson, who hosts The Late Late Show, David Letterman, who produces LLS, The head of ABC Paul Lee and the people behind Nightline because their shows just got a major ratings boost.
BTW my theory still is that Robert Greenblatt will be replaced this summer and the new head of NBC will keep Leno on The Tonight Show and Fallon on Late Night. I mean it is the only the thing that they have that is #1, so why would they mess with it?


Gwyneth Paltrow talks about her hairless vajayjay
May 12th, 2013 under Gwyneth Paltrow. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 10:00 in)

So Gwyneth Paltrow was on The Kyle and Jackie O Show and the male host asked her bush. So then the Oscar winner told him the whole story. She said she no longer has the ’70s vibe going because now she is like an 8 year old girl after wearing that see-thru dress to the premiere of Iron Man 3. She explained because she wasn’t wearing any underwear that she had to shave because the hairs were poking through. And that is more than I ever wanted to know about her vajayjay, can she go back to her GOOPy talk instead? Because I don’t know anyone who has an Iron Man enough of a stomach to hear that. So ewwwwwwwwww.
BTW I think before Gwyneth put on that dress, her vajayay looked like Kyle’s beard! Yes I am so putting that image in your head because I am pure evil!


When a late night prank turns out to be something so special!
May 12th, 2013 under Jay Leno, Pranks. [ Comments: none ]

So The Tonight Show was doing a Pumpcast News at the Costco here in Burbank, and what happens next is one of the greatest things you have ever seen on late night TV! Will Sims was pumping gas when the man in the pump screen started talking to him as he was singing. Then the guy asked him if he was a singer and he said he does Karaoke. So the anchor asked him to sing something and Will started to bust out Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer. Once he started you knew, he was really talented even though his wife was laughing her a$$ off in the car. When he was done wowing us, the anchor asked him to bring out his wife. At first Monifa refused, but then she came out and sang Eurythmics’ Sweet Dreams just as good as her hubby did Bon Jovi. When they were done putting huge smiles on our faces, Jay Leno invited to be on The Tonight Show and sing along with Rickey Minor.
I am sure no one ever expected a prank to turn out to be something sso amazing, but that is exactly what happens when the right people take part in it. Thank you to Will and Monifa for making our day a whole lot brighter.

xoxo Leslie!


Selfridge’s gets some competition tonight
May 12th, 2013 under PBS. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p on PBS’s Mr Selfridge, Woolworth’s is coming to town. Can the Oxford Street handle both an upscale department store and one for the everyday folk? Not if Mr Selfridge has his way. So you will just have to tune in to see what he does to compete with his American rival. Has he finally met his match in his old friend and now rival? You won’t want to miss the ending to hear the words of wisdom given to Harry from F.W. Woolworth.
Tonight’s episode is not only about the business inside the store, it is about the love business outside the store too. One couple will end, one will be begin and one will use another to get back at the other.
Seriously if you are not watching Mr Selfridge, you are missing out on a truly lovely show that makes gets even more lovely as the weeks go on. I think that this is Jeremy Piven as Mr Selfridge is his best role ever.


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