Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » May
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Justin Bartha talks about getting his a$$ waxed
May 14th, 2013 under Conan O'Brien. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Bartha is on Conan tonight at 11p on TBS and he told Conan O’Brien that he got waxed for his upcoming movie CBGB. He explained that when he was going to the gym, and he would pass by a waxing place with a sign that read arms, chest, back and between the cheeks. Since he was playing a hairless rocker in the movie based on the NYC punk club in the’70s, he figured he was going to have to get waxed for the role. So he got it all waxed off and I do mean all! He explained he got the arms, the chest and the “Between the Cheeks”, But he didn’t only tell him he got it done, he described it to the late night host in detail. So much so that Conan stopped him at one point and declared “This is over!”
You just have to watch the video to see why he Conan ended the chat right there. Which I am upset that he did because everything leading up to that was comedic gold.
Watching Justin Bartha tell this story so brilliantly, really got me pissed all over again at NBC for cancelling The New Normal. He was so good in that.


BTWF roles: Sara Rue in Rocket Gilbraltar
May 14th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Sara Rue was living in Malibu Country, she was visiting her family in the country in Rocket Gibraltar. How cute was 8 year old in that 1988 movie?


Why, ABC? Why?
May 14th, 2013 under Rebel WIlson. [ Comments: 1 ]

ABC released the first trailer for Rebel Wilson’s new show Super Fun Night and we are seeing the actress in a tiny bikini with lighted hearts over her nipples and crotch over Spanx. Really did we need to see that? I mean she is a funny actress, but did she need to go there?
I know she is a proud of her body and I am good with that, but still why?
Since there is a comment about it, I would say it even if she were skinny. It just isn’t needed. She could sell a show on her own popularity and didn’t need to do this. She didn’t do it in Pitch Perfect and she still became wildly popular after it.


Sara Rue is afraid of teenagers
May 14th, 2013 under Craig Ferguson. [ Comments: none ]

Sara Rue was on CBS’s The Late Late Show yesterday and she told Craig Ferguson that she is afraid of teenagers. And the new mom wasn’t kidding, she is really terrified of them. She is in deep sh!t in 13 years when Talulah becomes one. What is she going to do when her daughter brings her friends over to play? What if Talulah wants to have a sleep over? She will be f*cked!
But in all fairness I think every parent is afraid of their teenage kid, as they should be. I know what a terror I was.


Hey Russell Brand, Is that a yoga mat in your pocket?
May 14th, 2013 under In Your Pocket?, Russell Brand. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Russell Brand was caught by the paps as he left yoga yesterday and I can’t stop looking at his right leg. Is that a yoga mat in his pocket, or is his peepee happy to see us? Who knew he might have a rock of ages in his pants?


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