Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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Hot Links!
March 18th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who does that cleavage belong to? – Dlisted
Snooki looks different – Celebitchy
Katie Holmes goes nude again – GCeleb
Does Satan look like Barack Obama? – Rickey
Britney Spears does something good – StarCrush
Justin Bieber got kicked out of a hotel! – Bohomoth
Sofia Vergara talks about her ageing boobs – Amy Grindhouse
Miley Cyrus on why she isn't wearing her engagement ring – ICYDK

Selena Gomez admits she made Justin Bieber cry!
March 18th, 2013 under David Letterman, Disney Kids, Selena Gomez. [ Comments: none ]

Selena Gomez is a guest The Late Show tonight and David Letterman asked her how she is doing now that she is no longer dating Justin Bieber. She responded with a huge smile by saying, “I’m so good!” And the Beebs bashing didn’t stop there. The CBS host than told her that the last time the Baby Baby was on his show, he made him cry. The Spring Breaker didn’t hesitate to give him this little tidbit, “That makes two of us.” Dang whatever he did to her, must’ve been a bad bad thing and I so want to know what it is! Hint to the next talk show that has her on.


BTWF competition shows: Josh Henderson on Popstars 2
March 18th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

via Anderson Live
Before Josh Henderson was winning the ladies hearts on Dallas, he was won Popstars 2. How cute was the 19 year old in that 2002 music video?


Josh Henderson shares Larry Hagman advice for playing J.R. Ewing’s son !
March 18th, 2013 under TNT/TBS/TCM. [ Comments: none ]

Josh Henderson landed the coveted role of playing John Ross, J.R. Ewing’s son, on Dallas that airs Mondays at 9p on TNT and recently I spoke with him on a conference call about it. When I was on the call with him, I couldn’t get over how nice he seemed. So I wanted to know how does such sweet sounding guy, play someone so evil so well.
I asked him what it is like to play a bad guy. He said, “If I had to describe it in one word it would be fun. And because I’m actually a very kind of laid back nice person in real life and I kind of put everyone else before myself which is kind of how I was raised and who I have always been and that’s just who I am. But being able to kind of step out of that and play a character that is like so conniving and scheming and willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, it’s something that I’ve grown to have fun with.”
So how did he learn to have fun playing someone so bad? He explained, “That’s something that Larry taught me in the first season. You know, he said if I can tell you one thing about being not only a Ewing, but John Ross or someone like his father is that everything he does, he has fun in it. Larry had fun with everything he did.” Then he added, “And not just playing anger all the time which John Ross was always backed into a corner season one and he was always like trying to backpedal and figure things out so he was always kind of frantically, you know, hoping to not screw up. And now season two he has chilled out a little bit and he’s kind of – he is taking his father’s advice and I’m having fun with it.”
And Henderson doesn’t take playing the role of a lifetime lightly because he added, “I just think I’m so fortunate to have this role and to have been able to kind of watch Larry in the role of J.R. And the fact that now that he is gone, you know, I can hopefully kind of have J.R.’s spirit living through me. And continuing to grow into what might be a new, you know, basically not the new J.R. because no one is J.R. but fearing that role of my father is gone and I’m going to be my father’s son and no one is going to stop me. So I’m having the time of my life and I feel very fortunate to be able to be a part of the show.”
And after watching him give a tear inducing performance during last week’s tribute to the late great Larry Hagman from the beginning of the episode until the end, I think we can all agree that Larry Hagman is looking down on him with pride. Seriously I think that Josh Henderson has grown a lot with the role, and I enjoy watching him every week on the drama. He has sincerely blown me with his portrayal of the part and I can’t wait to see what he does next on Dallas. So tune tonight and every Monday at 9p to watch Josh Henderson have fun being bad!


Daren Kagasoff says fans will be happy with Secret Life’s series finale!
March 18th, 2013 under Daren Kagasoff, Freeform, The Secret Life of an American Teenager. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 8p on ABC Family the final season of The Secret Life of an American Teenager begins. I was recently on a conference call with Daren Kagasoff and he talked about what it was like being on the show. The bad boy turned good guy also previewed what we can expect during the final episodes of the show that launched the network’s original programming.
Did you know that Kagasoff did not want to be an actor until months before he landed the job that changed his life? Here’s his story on that, “Well, I never knew I wanted to be an actor until maybe six months before I got the job, so it just has taught me you’ve got to work so hard for the things that you want in life, and things don’t come easy.” The he added, “And you can see it through the characters that were on Secret Life, whether certain things that happened in their lives they have to conquer and overcome. And as people, as myself speaking about me, there’s a lot of obstacles in this business and in life in general, so from the show I just got keep your head up high, work hard, be respectful, polite, and good things will come.”
So will good things come from the series finale? When asked if he’s happy with the series’ ending, he said “Very happy, very happy. I think the fans will be happy too.” Whatever happens during that episode definitely left an impression with him. When he was asked what was his most memorable day on the show, he said “Probably the last day of shooting. We shot a lot of intense scenes, and to wrap up the show the way we did. I’ll never forget it. And all of the people that were there that day, you just don’t forget those types of moments, and thankfully I’m going to have that for the rest of my life, so probably the last day of shooting.” So what will happen between now and then, he teased us with “Many questions will get answered, that’s all pretty much I can say. I know everybody wants Amy and Ricky to end up together, and I guess you guys will see if that happens.” Does anyone think they won’t be getting married and living happily ever after?
Now his character has gone through the most changes. He went from troubled teen who was sleeping with any girl that said yes to being a responsible dad who only makes love to the woman who said yes when he asked her to marry him. So as he looks back at Ricky, here is what he said about his character’s growth “In the beginning, when Secret Life first started Ricky was just a high school kid that didn’t really take any responsibility for his actions, and was just was kind of floating through life. And ever since he had John (his son) with Amy (his fiancee) things changed drastically, and I think he made the most positive decisions in his life to put his son first and his girlfriend first priority. So I’m very pleased with what the writers did with my character from the beginning to the end. I think he’s made a full circle and it was a pleasure to play and hopefully the fans will like to see that.”
Well if you are like me then you can’t wait to see it every Monday at 8p on ABC Family to see how it all ends. You also wish this show wasn’t saying goodbye because it is really important show for teens to watch and also to enjoy.
Now when it comes to what is next for him, he is working on a Fox pilot. Whether Delirium is a go or not, I am sure his acting career will go into a delirium state now that he is a free agent.


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