Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » March
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Christian Bale is looking like sh!t
March 21st, 2013 under Batman, Christian Bale. [ Comments: 2 ]

Fame Flynet
Christian Bale is infamous for making himself look like sh!t in movies like The Machinist and The Fighter, but I think his latest transformation for a David O’Russell movie might be his worst one yet. I can live with him putting on an extra few pounds because he can afford it. But the combover look, I will never get used to.
Why can’t he just look sexy in every film he does? Is that too much to ask for?


Is David Spade looking for his Cinderella?
March 21st, 2013 under David Spade. [ Comments: none ]

David Spade Tweeted the above picture and said “Nightshooting in a department store. Stealing shoes #dontfriskme” Since I have heard that his Dickie Roberts is really big and I really love shoes, I would so have to frisk him if I saw him.
If David Spade thinks he can attract women with shoes, he is right! He has me interested in being his Cinderella especially with that slicked back hair. That is unless he is stealing the high heels because he has a foot fetish because that is just not my thing.


Mama June is so classy!
March 21st, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Mama June was sitting outside her house yesterday filming Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and she was caught doing something that only this family is OK with the paparazzi catching then doing on film. The Coupon Queen was photographed picking her nose and whatever was up there she was determined to get it.
Looking at this photo, I think we can guess where Honey Boo Boo Child gets all of her class from.
BTW I can’t wait for this show to come back to TLC already! I need my fix like Alana needs her GoGo Juice!


Elle Fanning got a Ryan Gosling coloring book for Christmas
March 21st, 2013 under Dakota and Elle Fanning. [ Comments: none ]

Elle Fanning was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the ABC host asked her if she has a boyfriend or any crushes. The 14 year old giggled like a school girl when she admitted that she has a thing for Ryan Gosling. In fact she also let him know that her mother got her the Ryan Gosling coloring book for Christmas. The teen was so happy with her gift that she made sure to rewatch all of his movies to get the coloring of his shirts correct. Because no one would want to see the actor in the wrong colored shirt.
Hopefully in 4 years when she is of legal age and he is twice her’s, he will consider taking her on a date. That is if she is still interested in him because a lot can happen to someone in their high school years.
BTW I love that she is such an endearing a teenager who acts her age and not like she is 14 going 50. That makes the extremely talented actress even more lovable.


Vanessa Hudgens shakes her a$$ for Jay Leno!
March 21st, 2013 under High School Musical, Jay Leno. [ Comments: none ]

Vanessa Hudgens was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and she told Jay Leno how she won a dance off at Madonna’s Oscar Party. The NBC host was not happy just hearing about her booty popping, so he asked her to show off her winning move. So the Spring Breaker got up and moved her money maker for him, and I think she is going to be very wealthy with that move.


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