Richard Simmons went to Hustler earlier today and bought that lovely outfit for Valentine’s Day to teach at Slimmons. So since his shorts are instructing you to kiss him there, my question for you is would you? I would because who doesn’t love him?
via The Tonight Show
Before Anne Hathaway was moving into a palace in The Princess Diaries, her friend was moving away from her thanks to Better Homes and Garden. She looks the same now as she did when she was 14 in that 1997 commercial.
Zero Hour debuts on ABC tonight at 8p and you don’t want to miss a second of this heart pounding series.
Hank Galliston (Anthony Edwards) is the publisher of Modern Skeptic Magazine and his team and him look into some of the biggest conspiracies out there. Tonight they will be looking into another conspiracy and it is going to hit very close to home and nothing they were tipped off about. Hank’s wife, Laila (Jacinda Barrett) owns an antique clock shop and while they are out shopping she finds the perfect clock to add to her collection. When she gets back to the store, she is kidnapped and her kidnapper is looking for that clock. Now Hank is trying to get her back and by doing so unravels his most suspenseful mystery yet that will take him and his team on a journey around the world and one they could only dream of.
The show starts off a little slow, but once the pace picks up you will be captivated to know what happens next.
Recently at the ABC Winter Press Day, the cast and producers talked about Zero Hour and how this show differs than a lot of the other ones that are currently on television today and why they wanted to do it.
EP Paul Scheuting says that tonight’s conspiracy will be answered in the season finale:
One of the things I’ve learned from “Prison Break” and making a serialized show was that if you’re a single conceit show, like “Prison Break” or “Lost” or such, is that sooner or later you start flapping your wings because a story needs to end, so going into this show, you know, I kind of applied that wisdom to the construct of this show, which is it’s like the “24” model where you reset every year. Like this entire Nazi conspiracy thing will be done in Episode 13 this year, but we have a group of investigators, headed by Anthony, at the magazine which can then apply those skills to the next investigation next year. So we don’t have to flap our wings. In fact, 13 episodes, it’s gonna be so dense with information and reveals and mythology that there will never be a sense at all that we’re stalling or trying to find our way, because we have a huge amount of information to give to you to go, “Here’s the entirety of ourâ€
EP Zack Estrin promises reveals throughout the season:
And we’re not going to make you wait until the end of the year to find out your answers. Specifically, Episode 4, you know what that thing is that we’re saying was hidden beneath the church. That’s not the big mystery. That’s just “a,” one of the many mysteries. In each episode you will find out a piece, we will turn a card, there will be a cliffhanger.
Jacinda Barrett on why she agreed to do the show:
For me, I have to say, honestly, bar none, this is the most exciting role that I’ve played, because as the show progressed, I have done things that you couldn’t possibly imagine from seeing me in the pilot. And it all came from a conversation with Paul, because I read the pilot and, you know, she’s in one and a half scenes, basically, and I wasn’t reading anything of that level, but there were people involved that said, “Talk to Paul. Just talk to Paul and see what he’s thinking,” and we basically we made we had a conversation. I made a decision on faith based on his ideas for where the character was going, and it’s a very surprising, very exciting character, and we go obviously, as you’ve heard, we span the globe, but we also travel back in time. There’s an episode devoted to her origin story. You know, as you were asking about the plot of Anthony’s character chasing, trying to find my character, that switches to the question of who is she and how is she involved in this, without giving too much away.
Anthony Edwards on what he likes about his character:
Hank Galliston, what’s great about him is that he gets to, he gets to be you. He gets to be the audience in a lot of ways. He gets to go on this journey without knowing at all what’s going on. He’s as bewildered at the beginning, I think, as the audience is. So, for me, that’s a great place to play because whatever these geniuses come up with in the scripts which they have and whatever these wonderful actors come up with to play with, I get to react to. So, as an actor, I bring nothing.
Today is Valentine’s Day and there are going to be some very romantic gestures on tonight’s Beauty and the Beast at 9p on The CW. There will be roses, a flashmob and sweet nothings that will happen throughout the hour. But this is not show that is only about love, so there will be plenty of adventure too. Someone’s life will be put in danger, a secret romance will be revealed, a partnership might be over and someone will say goodbye. Think you know the answers to all of the above? Think again and tune in to find out what happens next because it is only going to get better next week…