Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2013 » February
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Hot Links!
February 17th, 2013 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Who is barely wearing a bikini? – Dlisted
Which sports player came out? – Rickey
RIP Mindy McReady – Hollywood Backwash
Want to see Blue Ivy's face? – Celebitchy
Whose boob is Kate Upton grabbing? – GCeleb
Want to hear Vin Diesel sing? – Tabloid Prodigy
Who got breath mints for Valentine's Day? – Bohomoth
Samantha Ronson's mom talks about Lindsay Lohan? – AG
Who announced he's a dad again on Twitter?  – StarCrush

Love Arrow from the Last Man Standing!
February 16th, 2013 under ABC, Tim Allen. [ Comments: none ]

Now that Robin Sparkles is officially retired from How I Met Your Mother, it looks like we have another sitcom song goddess ready to replace her! Mandy Baxter debuted her single on Last Man Standing yesterday and I can’t get the song out of my head. Only problem is I started singing it in a public place and now I have phone numbers I have to call!
Seriously don’t you just love that song!


Helen Hunt wishes she kept her privacy patch private!
February 16th, 2013 under David Letterman, Helen Hunt. [ Comments: none ]

Helen Hunt was on The Late Show and she told David Letterman about how she wore a privacy patch in the movie that earned her an Oscar nomination. Well once she told the CBS host that, he was obsessed with knowing more about it. Maybe the next time she is on, she can give him one to try on. And let’s hope it is not something we see happen. I can live without ever seeing that image. Once you have seen one late night host in just his underwear and also in person, you don’t need to see anymore.


Vibrator, don’t leave home without it?
February 15th, 2013 under Sex Toys, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Family Feud asked 100 women, “Name something most women wouldn’t be caught dead leaving the house without.” Well when Nichole was asked that question by Steve Harvey, she begrudgingly answered “uh, their vibrator.” Steve’s reaction was priceless!
BTW I am surprised it wasn’t on the board because I always take mine with me!


Sara Rue’s more than perfect baby girl!
February 15th, 2013 under Babies. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from

Sara Rue has played pregnant on Two and a Half Men, Rules of Engagement and her new show Malibu Country, the latter because she was actually going to have a baby. Well now in her real life she playing a mom because she announced on Twitter she had her baby. She said “Had the best Valentines day w/my husband & our new baby daughter Talulah! She was born a few days ago & we couldn’t be more in love w/her.” She didn’t say exactly when she was born because I am sure she is saving some of the details for whatever magazine she sells that information to like most celebs do.
This is Sara’s first child with her husband Kevin Price!
BTW you can watch her when she was pregnant on Malibu Country tonight on ABC at 8:30p!


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