Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2012 » September
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The one infomercial men will not be able to stop watching!
September 11th, 2012 under Ads. [ Comments: 1 ]

There is a new product called Shape Ems and it helps women improve their breast size up to three cups! It can either give women fullness, lift or cleavage. But men don’t care about that, they just care they get to see close ups of ladies’ boobs getting bigger and bigger. And did I mention there is a part where one girl puts the Shape Ems in another girl’s bathing suit top? I am sure they will be DVRing this informercial so they can watch it over and over again. With one hand on the remote control to hit rewind and the other one on his remote trying to get it under control.
Now would they ever order it for that special person in their life, heck no because they now what happens when she removes them. But they wouldn’t mind seeing a stranger buy them and use them in a low cut dress or shirt.


The Today Show should be embarrassed
September 11th, 2012 under Unadmirable People. [ Comments: 1 ]

If you thought what the Today Show did to Ann Curry was despicable, it is nothing as compared to what they did today. According to TV Newser they opted to air an interview with Kris Kardashian talking about her fake boobs rather than break away for a moment of silence to remember the victims of 9/11. There is no excuse why they did that and it is so disrespectful to America and the world that they did that. But if you are going to do something so low, you might as well do it they way they did. I can’t think of a scenario where what they did could’ve been more distasteful than to do it with a Kardashian talking about her breast implants. So sad.
I have not watched the Today Show in years, and I will not be watching it ever again after what they did today. I say we all watch Good Morning America from now on and show them how much they suck.


Hot Links!
September 10th, 2012 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is doing the walk of shame? – Dlisted
Kelly Brook in her underwear – GCeleb
More pictures of Jon Hamm's ham! – Celebitchy
Who won't sign their divorce papers? – Tabloid Prodigy
Kim Kardashian says something stupid – Amy Grindhouse
Jessica Simpson comes out of hiding – Hollywood Backwash
Simon Cowell leaked who's an American Idol judge – Rickey

Family Feud is getting even sexier this season!
September 10th, 2012 under Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

The new version of Family Feud with Steve Harvey is not as innocent as the one that was hosted by Richard Dawson and that is a very good thing. They ask questions that lead to answers that are not very family friendly and Harvey just feeds off of it to make it even funnier. I mean it has gotten to the point that they have to come up with different names for the male body part. And it looks like the new season that began today is going to take it all to a whole new level.
As an example the latest question was asked to a 100 men, “Name something that you have never had, but you know you want it. Well this clip shows the family that is guessing after the other one got three strikes and they said “a bigger package”. Now even though that answer is forcing a sweet old lady to change churches, I think the answers on the board were even more titillating. The first one that caught my attention was a “sexy set of wheels” as compared to a sweet set of wheels? Then there was “hot babe/model” which was interesting way to put it. And they saved the best answer for last…”threesome”. Thankfully there were two guys (who I wonder if they would be willing to be in a threesome together) were honest about that otherwise that would’ve been a pretty boring board.
So in short, I think the new season is going to be even sexier and dirtier, and that has me tuning in.


BTWF stand up: Jay Leno on The Tonight Show
September 10th, 2012 under Aaron/Candy/Tori Spelling, Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Jay Leno was hosting The Tonight Show, he was just a guest comedian on the late night talk show. What a head of hair the 26 year old comedian had back in 1977.


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