Kate Hudson is makeup free with her mini-me! |
August 8th, 2011 under Kate Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Kate Hudson gave birth to her second son a month ago tomorrow and the new mom looks like she almost has her pre-baby figure back. Not only is she showing off her post-baby body, she is also showing us what she looks like without makeup. Even fresh faced, she is just as cute when she has makeup on!
BTW I love that picture of Ryder and her because he is so her mini-me. Doesn’t he look just like her?
Danny DeVito embraces the grey? |
August 8th, 2011 under Danny DeVito. [ Comments: 2 ]

Danny DeVito is 66 years old and he has had black hair ever since we got to know him in the late ’70s on Taxi, but on Saturday the It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia showed off his new hair color that is the same color as the sun. I don’t know if the blonde/grey locks are for a role or if the former-hairstylist is finally embracing the grey. Whatever the reason, I think he looks great!
Did an alien puke on Olivia Wilde’s chest? |
August 8th, 2011 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House, Olivia Wilde. [ Comments: none ]

Olivia Wilde is in Berlin promoting Cowboys & Aliens, and it looks like an alien puked all over Olivia Wilde’s chest. Seriously what the hell is that jeweled mess she is wearing over that unflattering black dress. The House actress normally looks dazzling, but that look is a major dud from head to toe. What was she thinking?
What is Tyra Banks doing to Justin Bieber? |
August 8th, 2011 under Justin Bieber, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: 3 ]

Tyra Banks is 37 and she is all over 17 year old Justin Bieber in a way that totally creeps me out. Not only is she two decades older than him, she is also older than his mother. Maybe once she realizes that, she will stop wearing skin tight leather one-pieces. Not that she can’t wear it, I just don’t think she just should.
Hot Links! |
August 7th, 2011 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Guess whose belly is showing? – Dlisted
Emma Watson's upskirt – Rickey
Is Jane Fonda really 73 years young? – Popbytes
Who needs to lay off the fake tanning? – Celebitchy
Ryan Reynolds was dating which Oscar winner? – Celebs
What do you think of the new Catwoman costume? – INF Daily
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