Twitter lets celebrities share their thoughts in 140 characters or less and sometimes what they say really leaves me dulbfounded. Today’s Words of Wizdumb comes from Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock who said, “Watching America’s Got Talent. I make a woman’s liver quiver w/ a single eyebrow. Whats your talent?” Ummm, what the hell does that mean? Why do you want to make a woman’s liver quiver? I never felt a quiver in my liver. Although when I have seen him do that thing with his eyebrow it makes another part of my body quiver…
So what can you do that make someone’s liver quiver?
Before Chris Harrison was a hosting a show where one person was playing the love field on The Bachelor(ette), he was the sports anchor at KWTV giving color as professionals were playing the sports field. He looks the same now as he did when he was 25 during that 1996 telecast
A few years ago Family Guy did a hilarious bit where Stewie flew all the way to LA to punch Will Ferrell in the face for starring in the sh!tty big screen version of Bewitched and now he might have to do it again if CBS gets their way. The Hollywood Reporter says that the Eye network has hired the same husband and wife team who produced that piece of sh!t movie to work their (black) magic again with a small screen version of the ’60s sitcom. Yes CBS struck silver with Hawaii Five-O, but do they really think they can do it again with The Stephens? I really think and pray not.
But the bad news doesn’t stop there, because The Hollywood Reporter says NBC is hoping lightening with strike the same place twice (or whatever number we are up to) with an updated version of Frankenstein. On this I will site a CBS show and that show was Moonlight. Mythological monsters do better on the big because the small screen never does them justice on network TV.
Thankfully both shows are just in the script stage of development and hopefully they will stay that way. Because neither the witch and her mortal husband or Dr Frankenstein’s creature need to come back to television.
Seriously what happened to originality?
Last week during the Fox TCA Summer Press Tour day, Fox Broadcasting Entertainment President Kevin Reilly was asked if there was even the slightest chance that Breaking In could come back to the network and he gave us all a little glimmer of hope that it could. He said, “We said in the Upfront that we are planning to go to a four comedy block in the spring. We’re in preproduction on a pilot that we’re re doing through Warner Bros. Rob Thomas, Kevin Hart, Rob Corddry starring in a show called Little in Common. That’s about to go into production. We’ve got Teenage Daughter on the schedule. We did not see a way to…I like Breaking In. We all liked Breaking In. Part of the challenge we had this year is the high class problem. There are shows that we, unfortunately, had to cut this year that would have made the cut on other networks with bigger challenges. We had to make a judgment call. Breaking In fell a little bit in that camp. But ultimately, we had a very passionate group of producers and actors who wanted to try to keep it going. I think it’s part of that four comedy block. It still has a shot. They’ve agreed to extend an option, so we’ve kept it alive. You know what? Stranger things have happened. We have not ordered anything right now, but who knows? Family Guy was cancelled once. Seinfeld started with four episodes. You never know. So we’re going to revisit that comedy block, what makes up that four comedy block, a little later in the fall, and then we’ll officially look at Breaking In.”
So instead of sending Fox peanuts or buying Subway sandwiches, I have figured a way to let Fox know we want Breaking In back on TV and it won’t cost you a single cent. When I Hate My Teenager Daughter comes on, don’t watch it. Tell your friends and family not to watch it because if no one watches that show then maybe Breaking In will come back to TV in that four comedy block. I don’t want to put anyone out of work, but I am doing something merciful by telling you not to watch IHMTD because it was beyond bad and unfunny. So please don’t suffer like I did and opt not to watch I Hate My Teenage Daughter! We need Breaking In back on TV because it would be nice for Christian Slater to find out what it is like to have a show actually get a second season!
Live long and prosper, Breaking In!
What if you and your spouse couldn’t have a child, dreamed up the perfect one and then that night a boy knocks on your door and calls you mom and dad. Well if that were to really happen you would have the movie The Odd Life of Timothy Green. The movie starring Jennifer Garner looks like such a feel good movie, I can’t wait to see it when it comes out soon!