Harold & Kumar Go the The White Castle is one of the greatest stupid movies of all time and the sequel Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay was anything but. And now after watching the trailer for the third movie in the franchise, I think that A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas looks like it will be as funny as the first one. At least I hope it is when I go to see when it comes out on November 4th. Christmas is coming early for me this year and I don’t want to start it off with coal in my stocking!
Before Amanda Detmer was hit by a bus in Final Destination, she wished she was hit by bus when she suffering from food poisoning in Drop Dead Gorgeous. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 27 in that 1999 movie.
David Schwimmer posted a picture of his daughter Cleo and she is absolutely awwwwdorable. Along with the photo he said, “hey everyone, it’s been a while… here’s why… she’s just too much fun…” Looking at that face, how could you not want to spend as much with that three month old Friend! Seriously don’t you just want to squeeze those cheeks?
Jessica Alba was a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday, so the ABC late night host thought it would be fair to be her guest at a birthing class. I am sure the pregnant actress regretted her decision as soon as he said vagina for the first time. In fact he said it so much, even she had to say it. But it didn’t stop just with words, he also was the class demonstrator and at one point he opted to birth a baby with Jessica as his birthing coach. It is a side of Jimmy Kimmel we have never seen and I pray we never seen it again.
Can I tell you that bit was great birth control for me because if the father of my baby acted like Kimmel did in that birthing class, I will be a single mother by the time my baby is born.
May the force be with you, will be given new meaning in Star Wars XXX (site NSFW) and I can’t wait to see what Luke does with Lightsaber when the pornody comes out in September. For years we have wondered what it would be like if Luke and Princess Leia hooked up before they knew the truth and now we might find out. We also might find out of Darth Vader really goes to the dark side. I don’t know what that means either. But all, and I do mean all, we be revealed in a galaxy far, far away!