Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » April
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Hot Links!
April 20th, 2011 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who’s showing us she’s not pregnant? – Celebitchy
Ryan Seacrest shows off his new beard – Rickey
The Glee spoiler that cost someone a job – Yeeeah!
Want to see Tyra Bans makeup free? – The Evil Beet
Who’s the worst girlfriend of all time? – Agent Bedhead
The woman with the most plastic surgery – Bitten and Bound
Who wanted to barf after they met Russell Brand? – Popbytes
This boy is going to unwrap his date after the prom! – Dlisted

The Change-Up looks to be on the up and up!
April 20th, 2011 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

There is something about a Ryan Reynolds comedy that makes me laugh and it looks like The Change-Up is going to have me in hysterics. And if that wasn’t enough to get me to see the movie when it comes out on August 5th, seeing Jason Bateman nude is definitely reason enough to get me in the theater! Seriously how hot do his freckles and him look in the buff? And on that note how funny does the film look? It is definitely going to be a fun way to cool of this summer!


BTWF talent shows: Nick Carter in The New Original Amateur Hour
April 20th, 2011 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before Nick Carter was singing with the Backstreet Boys, he was just a boy singing on The New Original Amateur Hour. How awwwdorable was the 12 year singer on that 1992 talent show.


Robert Pattindson spends his “time looking up stripper videos”!
April 20th, 2011 under Robert Pattinson, Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

Robert Pattinson was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show today and he shared with her one of his favorite YouTube videos. The video is of a woman stripping and learning the hard way that furniture can not be used as a pole substitute. It is not the video that caught my attention during the interview, but how he told her how he found it. The Twilight star told her, “I just spend my time looking up stripper videos.” And then under his breath as he chuckled nervously, he added, ” I just realized how inappropriate this was to put on TV.” I wonder what else he spends his time doing that is inappropriate for TV? And when it comes to him looking up stripper videos, I don’t have a problem with that because we all know who is girlfriend is…
Now back to him being on Ellen, he also told her he likes to get cheeky with her on rare occasions. As in he wears the underwear that she gave him when he is down to his last pair. He also mentioned that he doesn’t know how to do laundry, so hoping he won’t get stuck in the situation she gave him a basket full of her underwear so he can sit on her whenever he likes. Hopefully with all those extra pairs, he will be wearing something clean on his body. OK now I have an image how bad his underwear must be before he changes them. Yuck…


Weird Al Yankovic was Born This Way and Lady Gaga doesn’t like it that way
April 20th, 2011 under Lady Gaga, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Weird Al Yankovic is known for his song parodies like Eat It, Smells Like Nirvana, Like a Surgeon, Amish Paradise, Gump, White & Nerdy and You’re Pitiful to name a few. Well he has a new album coming out and he wanted to redo Lady Gaga’s Born This Way on it as Perform This Way, but she said no.
The Schlock Rock singer wrote a blog post explaining what happened. At first he wasn’t sure if he wanted to do it because her song’s proceeds are going to the Human Rights Campaign, so he was hesitant to do it. Then after a few weeks he came up with a way to make it work and he had his manager contact her manager. Her people then said she would need to hear the song. So the curly haired singer who was on his tour, wrote the song quickly and sent her lyrics. Well that was not good enough for her, and she wanted to “hear it.” So he cut his daughter’s spring break trip short to record Perform This Way and after the Fame Monster heard it she said no. Well he is respecting her wishes by not recording it and ours by releasing it online because as he said, “However, given the circumstances, I have no problem with allowing people to hear it online, because I also have a personal policy not to completely waste my stinking time.” Just like You’re Pitiful, I am happy he is releasing the song for his fans because you know what he nailed her perfectly.
You know how they say there is truth in humor, well I don’t think she liked hearing the truth about herself.
Do you think she made the right choice or she made as big as a mistake as that singer who wouldn’t let him release the parody of You’re Beautiful. Seriously it took me a few minutes to remember James Blunt name and I wonder in time if we will ever do the same with Lady Gaga. Singers may come and go, but Weird Al has stood the test of time while those who he has reworked their lyrics are dead, broken up or forgotten about.
I like Lady Gaga’s music, but I have to admit her turning Weird Al down turned me off of her a little bit. What is so wrong about his song? I mean she like copied Madonna’s Express Yourself and Madge was OK with it, so why she isn’t she OK with someone doing the same to her?

UPDATE: Well it was the song heard around the world and yes even by Lady Gaga herself, who never heard the song before today. According to Weird Al’s latest blog her manager made the decision and never told the Fame Monster about it. Well as soon she as she heard it, she told him she loved it and gave him permission to put it on the album. When it comes to the manager, he apologized for his mistake and I hope Lady Gaga rips him a new one because that was so not cool. I can understand if it was a nobody, but he has had hit songs since before she was even born.
Oh and Weird Al added that all proceeds from the song will still be going to the Human Rights Campaign!
So today was a win win all around for everyone except her loser manager…
Now that all of this silliness is over, when is he going to do something for Poker Face or Bad Romance?


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