Next week the final 6 contestants of American Idol are going to sing the songs of Carole King and I want to know who she f*cked to get a theme week on the show. I mean how else would she have gotten it? Seriously I need an explanation because there are so many other artists I can think of before her for getting a theme week on the #1 show in America.
I would love to have been in the room when they told contestants whose repertoire of music they were going to choose from because if they are like me, they are like I heard the name, but what the f*ck does she sing? I even went to Wikipedia and looked at her discography and was like I know maybe 3 of the songs. I feel bad for the contestants because they are told to be current and they are given a singer whose music started to come out before their parents were born. Isn’t bad enough that they have had to suffer through Steven Tyler’s Creepy Leers of the Night?
Seriously what were the producers of the show thinking when they picked her name out of hat? I mean the ratings have been slipping every week, do they want to go down faster than I am assuming Pia Toscano did on Dancing with the Stars’ Mark Ballas. (I am not saying she did, I just needed a reference and that one worked…)
Now back to Carole King, I am not dismissing her extraordinary career, it is just that I don’t think she is good fit for American Idol. What do you think of her music as a theme week on the singing competition?
After watching the trailer for 30 Minutes or Less, I plan on giving the movie that comes out on August 12th zero minutes. Seriously how bad does that look and I like Aziz Ansari.
Before Martha Stewart had her own show, she had a home video serious called Secrets for Entertaining. How beautiful does the 46 year old domestic diva look in 1988 with that hairstyle?
So last Friday, I went to the NBC Summer Press Day and I got a sneak peek of the most anticipated show of the year…The Voice. And tonight at 11:35p before The Tonight Show, you will get to see that same preview I did of the much talked about show that premieres on Tuesday at 9p. You will get a better understanding of how this show is different than the other singing competitions and it is not because they landed four of the biggest names in music today as judges. I am sure you all heard of Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Adam Levine and Blake Shelton and tonight you will hear them perform Crazy together. The perfect song to describe how this show is going to be…Cra-and-zy good!!!
The show isn’t only about the A-List musicians, it is about The Voice of the contestants and about time it was. They are not going to be picked by their looks or how well they move, but by how they sing. And once the judges like their voice they are going to mentor them, so that are prepared for the music world. You know unlike other shows when they are thrown into the pack of industry wolves never to be heard from again.
Oh and yes if Mark Burnett has his way, we will be hearing the four judges sing together again on one of the live shows!
Seriously after watching the preview of The Voice, all I could think of was Cee Lo’s chart topping song on how I feel towards those other singing shows…you know Forget You?