Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2011 » February
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Bethany Joy Galeotti has a One Tree Baby!
February 23rd, 2011 under One Tree Hill. [ Comments: none ]

Not only does Bethany Joy Galeotti play a mom on TV, but the One Tree Hill star really is one now. She posted the above picture and said, “I Just Met A Girl Named…Maria!” She didn’t say when Maria was born, but the one thing that is really evident is that her husband, Michael and her are loving their awwwdorable baby girl.


America’s Next Top Model is Shedding for the Wedding
February 23rd, 2011 under The CW, Tyra Banks. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 8p on The CW, America’s Next Top Model is back and they are changing it up. The audition episode is gone, but I am not going to tell you how we find out who the lucky contestants are… I will tell you that there are two challenged girls this season, one is plus-sized and the other is petite. You know in Tyra’s terms they are like dreckatude. There is one girl I am rooting for to make it to the finals and that is Jaclyn, once you hear talk you will know why I am saying this.
This season is shaping up to be different that the 15 before it. That and this group of girls look different than the ones in the cycles beforehand…granted that is before Tyra’s awful makeovers.
Talking about makeovers, at 9p Shedding for the Wedding debuts and this show pits oversized engaged couples against other and they are competing to lose the weight and if they do…they win their dream wedding. The show is hosted by recent weight loser Sara Rue, who is also getting married, and she does a good job rooting for the couples. The couples are made up of different types and each have their own dream weddings that not all the couples see eye-to-eye on. Like one couple is a gamers, another is eco-friendly, another want a Greek (think college) one and so one. It will be interesting who wins the wedding and who loses for the honeymoon? Did I mention about that? Tune into to Shedding for the wedding to find out…


The many face of Jennifer Aniston
February 23rd, 2011 under Friends (cast), The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Aniston was on El Hormiguero in Madrid with Adam Sandler and her face made like their movie title and decided to Just Go With It.
I have to admit I am very familiar with the faces she is making because I made most of them yesterday when I saw her new haircut.


Guess who is the lady in red?
February 23rd, 2011 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see is having problems with their dress then click here!


Is Kate Hudson making her baby daddy sniff her smelly pit?
February 23rd, 2011 under Kate Hudson. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Picture
Kate Hudson is pregnant with her second child and first with Matt Bellamy and I am wondering if that is entitling her to make him do stuff for her that he wouldn’t normally do otherwise. You know like to see if she forgot to put on some deodorant and let her know if she has BO? Seriously why else would she be lifting her arm like that?
BTW to answer the question, I think his face says it all…


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