Mark Wahlberg says “Not, you” in The Fighter almost as much Shia LaBeouf says “No!” in all of his movies, so Funny or Die had some fun with. Make sure to watch it all the way through because the last one is the funniest. And also say, “Hello, to your mother for me!”
via Agent Bedhead
I might not be a kid any more, but I still loved sleeping with my Teddy Bear. That was until I saw Misery Bear in Dawn of the Ted. After I saw this video, I donated all of my Teddy Bears to Toys for Tots because they scare the sh!t out me now and I couldn’t get any sleep while they were in the house. I kept dreaming they were coming to kill me…
via Jimmy Kimmel Live!
Has your cat or dog put on a few extra pounds eating with all those holiday leftovers and treats? Well thanks to Draggin’ to the Oldies and Humping to Techno they will be able to take it all off in no time. So order it now and they will be thanking you for a lifetime.
Oh and just FYI once they’ve gotten their figures back make sure to get your carpets steam cleaned because they are so desperately going to need it. I know I needed it after my pussy got her girlish shape back! BTW she gave the workout two paws up!!
Carrie Fisher was an international super star by the time before she was 22, so if anyone knows the stake it takes on Young Hollywood it is her. So Princess Leia wrote a letter to the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Miley Cyrus and so on in Black Book (via Canoe! Jam) and I hope they read it.
(Lindsay’s) a mess. She should back out of the whole scene and move to the f**king south of France.
Life in the spotlight can be cruel. It sets you apart from other people, so that life becomes more about what you are than who you are. That’s what happened to me. It’s a privileged job, which is why everyone wants it, but it used to mean you earned those privileges based on talent. Now you can become famous for being a spectacle…
Acquiring celebrity can be an exciting thing, but there never comes a time, once you have it, when you can relax and say, ’Okay, I’m famous now. Isn’t this great?’ Fame is something you have to maintain, like a weird garden… Don’t imagine that Julia Roberts is just kicking back in her house with her kids.
My advice to Young Hollywood? If you’re an actor, learn another skill. Write a book or play an instrument – at the very least, learn to manage your own finances… I wish I’d known all of this earlier, and I wish I’d paid more attention to my life as it was going by.
I hope that not only is Young Hollywood reading this, but so are their parents.