Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010
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Hot Links!
December 29th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Matt Damon is into some strange bondage – Celebitchy
Want to see TI's little TI? – Rickey
Nicole Richie is free – Celeb Dirty Laundry
Snooki is no longer a hamster – Popbytes
Which Full House star was bulimic? – ICYDK
Brett Favre fined $10,000 an inch – Gabby Babble
Which actor is not a fan of Jennifer Aniston? – Dlisted
Gifs are the gifts that keep giving!!! – Tabloid Prodigy
George Clooney's girlfriend shows off her amazing body –INF Daily

Eric Balfour loses a fight with a Stingray
December 29th, 2010 under Syfy. [ Comments: 1 ]

Eric Balfour is in Costa Rica on vacation and thanks to a Stingray he will have an interesting story to tell about his trip. He Tweeted the above picture and said, “I got into a fight with a sting ray… He won. Thanks to the local pharmacist I’ll be able to surf tomorrow! Yay!”
You would think after fighting “the troubles” in Haven and aliens in Skyline, he would know how to beat a fish but I guess not… That and he is 6’2″, he should’ve totally taken the Stingray out.


BTWF ads: Paul Rudd for Super Nintendo
December 29th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Paul Rudd. [ Comments: 1 ]

Before Paul Rudd was selling Super Nintendos in The 40-Year-Old Virgin, he was selling them for the company itself. He looks the same now as he did when he was 22 in that 1991 commercial.


Which Friend is ruling out a reunion now?
December 29th, 2010 under Friends (cast). [ Comments: none ]

Any time any cast member of Friends is being interviewed about any of their new projects, at least one reporter will ask them about a Friends reunion. Well this time that victim is Matt Le Blanc who is promoting Showtime comedy Episodes that premieres on January 9th. Here is Joey feels about it according to WENN, “What would the story be? We all get together and what? Have coffee? It would be almost sad. It’s better to just imagine what those characters are doing now.” I can think of things that could get them back together, Emma’s Bat Mitzvah or one of them is getting married or maybe they are all getting together to support Joey Tribbiani who is up for an Oscar? OK maybe the last one is a little far fetched, but you get the idea…
BTW the next victim will be Matthew Perry who will be promoting his sitcom Mr Sunshine that will debut exactly a month later on ABC.
The one thing I will tell is that both of the former-roommates new shows are freaking funny!!!


This year’s Oscars posters are really cool!
December 29th, 2010 under Oscars. [ Comments: none ]

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences released the posters for the 83rd Oscars and you know what they are best ones I have seen to date. I like the messaging on them like “He’ll leave someone speechless tonight.” That is just straight and to the point of what the Oscars are all about.
I just wish the Awards show would be as cool as the posters, but I don’t think they will be. I just don’t have faith in the hosts and I am underwhelmed by what will be nominated.


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