Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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The worst condom ad ever
September 3rd, 2010 under Ads. [ Comments: none ]

You know I am very pro condoms, but I hated this ad. I actually felt the same way as the last guy in this PSA by Sex Really did. The tag line of “You should be proud to wear a condom.” is the best part, but the rest of it was just so creepy.
So go be proud and put on a condom the next time you have sex, just don’t like this ad and share it just with the person(s) you are using it with!
xoxo AmyK!


Hot Links!
September 2nd, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess the birthday girl? – Dlisted
Who got into a fender bender? – ICYDK
Rob Lowe looks good shirtless – Popbytes
Who looks like she has 6 toes? – Tabloid Prodigy
Proof Paris Hilton owned that purse? – Celebslam
Kelly Osbourne looking sexy in just a bra- Celebitchy
Kim Kardashian looks nervous here – Amy Grindhouse
Who is going on Maury for a paternity test? – Gabby Babble
Dwayne Johnson is the new Branden Fraser – Agent Bedhead
Who is rumored to be involved in a gay cheating scandal? – Yeeeah!


Guess whose roots are showing?
September 2nd, 2010 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want who the bleached blonde is then click here!


BTWF roles: Ryan Seacrest on Beverly Hills, 90210
September 2nd, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

via Ryan Seacrest
Before Ryan Seacrest was hosting America Idol, he was play hosting a Newlywed Game like show on Beverly Hills, 90210. Seeing the 25 year old host a fake game show in 2000, I think he made a mistake by not going into it for real.


Ryan Seacrest & Larry King singing Poker Face
September 2nd, 2010 under American Idol 9+, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: 1 ]

Where is Simon Cowell when you need him? I would love to hear what he would have to say about that duet of Lady Gaga’s Poker Face with Larry King and Ryan Seacrest. I am sure he would tell Ryan that was rubbish and that dogs are howling in pain with the notes he was hitting. And for Larry, he would say that has to be worst singing he has ever heard and he had no idea what the f*ck he was doing there and what song he was singing. I just want to say that just awful. Oy was that bad. I can’t believe how bad of a singer the American Idol host is and when it comes to the soon to be out of work talk show host I always expected him to be bad.
Both men need to keep to their day/night jobs and never ever sing in public again.


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