Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » September
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The Tourist looks like a must not see destination
September 15th, 2010 under Brangelina, Johnny Depp. [ Comments: 1 ]

I can’t believe I am saying this about a movie with Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie starring in it, but The Tourist looks like crap. Not only does the movie look bad, so do Angelina and Depp. How can two of the world’s most beautiful people look anything but? I have never see Depp look bad in any movie (including as Jack Sparrow) as he does in this movie.
After watching the trailer, I was left with the same feeling I had after I saw the one for Knight and Day and we all know how that movie did…it didn’t.


The tribe has spoken…Survivor will survive on Wednesdays!
September 15th, 2010 under CBS. [ Comments: none ]

After 20 cycles of Survivor airing on CBS Thursdays, it is moving to Wednesday at 8p tonight. So it is out with the old and in with the new. Oh wait, I mean it is the old vs the young on Survivor: Nicaragua. It is the under 30s vs the over 40s and one of those over 40s is the legendary football coach Jimmy Johnson. As a University of Miami Hurricane, I was nervous to watch our school’s best ever coach battle it out on CBS huge reality show, but he sincerely impressed me. He is not the only one that surprised me this season, but everything about the show in general. It is like being on a new night revived the show!
So tune into Survivor tonight and every Wednesday at 8p for what should be an exciting season!
BTW am I the only one rooting for the older team, I want them to kick those young whipper snappers’ a$$es!!!


I don’t object to Outlaw!
September 15th, 2010 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Everything says I should hate Outlaw because I am not a fan of law shows nor Jimmy Smits, but I actually really like NBC’s new drama that premieres tonight on NBC at 10p!
Jimmy Smits returns to legal television as Supreme Court Justice Cyrus Garza. Garza is still dealing with the sudden death of his very respected father and because of that he is ready for a change in his life. When he is called out on not following his father’s respectable footsteps, he makes two very huge decisions one in the court and one for his life. He is the deciding vote at the Supreme Court to stay the execution of man and give him the retrial he deserves. And after he makes that decision he makes another one to resign from the highest court in the country and defend that man. From that moment on Garza and his team will defend those who no one wants and he will use his supreme legal knowledge to defend them.
I have seen the first two episodes of the show and it is not like other legal show because of the cases it takes on. Most legal shows on TV today take on criminal cases, but this one actually takes on law. In next week’s episode, it takes on the controversial new Arizona law in way you would never expect.
Besides making the law interesting, the cast that includes Jimmy Smits, Jesse Bradford and Carly Pope make it fun to watch!
So I making a case for you to watch Outlaw’s special premiere tonight on NBC at 10p and then to watch it at its regularly scheduled time Fridays at 10p!


Top Chef Just Desserts is the perfect night cap!
September 15th, 2010 under Reality TV. [ Comments: none ]

What do eat when your meal is done? You eat dessert, of course! So what do you watch when Top Chef ends it season? You watch Top Chef Just Desserts Wednesdays. It really is the icing on Bravo’s cake starting tonight at 11p. This show is so yummy, I gained 5 pounds watching it. So I suggest you don’t do what I did and eat lots of sweets and fruits before you watch the show because this show will tickle your sweet tooth. To watch as these contestants compete to make the best desserts, will leave you salivating. You will find yourself craving a treat like you have never done before and that is a good thing.
On tonight’s season premiere they debut their signature dessert and for the first elimination challenge they have to make something with chocolate. And let me tell you, I am glad I had some in the house because man I needed chocolate and I needed right then and there.
So satisfy you hump day cravings and watch Top Chef Just Desserts tonight and every Wednesday on Bravo.


Hot Links!
September 14th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Guess who is working her money maker on the runway? – Dlisted
Does Madonna look different? – Yeeeah!
Wonder Woman looks wonderful! – Popbytes
Josh Brolin says he didn't cheat on Diane Lane – AG
Whose recent wedding was a shotgun one? – ICYDK
Who regrets "Walmart of rebellion"? – Agent Bedhead
Whose fake boobs don't fit her bikini top? – Tabloid Prodigy
Who mistakenly thinks they don't need media training? – Celebitchy 


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