Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Do you this Piranha 3D video was too bloody for Comic Con?
August 1st, 2010 under Eli Roth, Movies. [ Comments: 1 ]

(NSFW or for those with weak stomachs)

The first 9 minutes of Piranha 3D was considered too graphic for Comic Con and had to be shown outside of the convention. After watching the leaked footage, do you think they made the right choice?
I have to admit that yes that was extremely bloody and graphic, but it got me even more excited for the movie when it comes out on August 27th! My favorite death was the girl who died via the wire. And a very close second was the way that Eli Roth bit it. Sorry Eli, but I enjoyed how they offed you!!!
BTW the opening for Piranha 3D is my favorite since Ghost Ship and the Final Destination franchise beginnings!


Remember Sally Struthers?
August 1st, 2010 under Remember?, Scott Baio. [ Comments: 1 ]

Scott Baio took his awwwdorable daughter Bailey to see Cinderella and he Tweeted this picture of the two of them with Sally Struthers who was playing the fairy Godmother. The 62 year old actress is looking great! She looks as good as she did when she was on All in the Family almost 40 years ago.
BTW how much fun is it to see Gloria Bunker and Chachi Arcola together like that?


The many faces of Chris Rock
August 1st, 2010 under Chris Rock, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Chris Rock was in Berlin, Germany for the premiere of his movie Growns Up and he made faces that weren’t that grown up. Chris Rock is a funny man when he uses his voice, but as you can see in these pictures he also can be comedian with just his face!


Tom Jones wants you ladies to stop throwing underwear!
August 1st, 2010 under Tom Jones. [ Comments: none ]

(undies thown at :20 in)

Tom Jones has a request for his female fans, stop throwing your underwear at him. The She’s A Lady singer told The Telegrapgh, “”It’s just wrong. I’m laying my soul down here. And people start laughing.” I don’t know maybe its just me, but It’s Not Unusual or What’s New Pussycat? are not very soulful.
I also never got why women throw their undies at him? It could be because of his reaction the first pair of knickers that came his way. He said he used them to wipe his brow and I am sure from that story lead to other woman wanting him to use their pussycat holder to wipe the sweat off of his face. I guess it is their special connection with him.


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