Katy Perry is a Twihard Gleek! |
August 9th, 2010 under Glee, Katy Perry, Twilight. [ Comments: none ]

Katy Perry has a lot of costume changes in tonight’s Teen Choice Awards on Fox, but the one that I think is her most memorable is her Twihard Gleek geek outfit. But I think for Twilight’s Robert Pattison and Glee’s Mark Salling it is their favorite one because look at the way they are looking at her.
Hot Links! |
August 8th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]
Whose middle school picture? – Dlisted
Whose using her mic as a penis? – Yeeeah!
Who was heckled when she got a ticked? – Popbytes
Which reality star is in rehab and not Dr Drew's? – ICYDK
Billy Joel’s ex wife makes Harry Smith bleed |
August 8th, 2010 under TV News. [ Comments: none ]
Katie Lee Joel was on The Early Show demonstrating how to cut zucchini when she forced the anchor Harry Smith to use the mandoline food slicer. Well things didn’t go so well for the CBS News anchor because he sliced his finger open and started bleeding. Lucky for him when he got to the hospital the father of CBS News medical correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton treated him and he didn’t even get any stitches according TV Newser.
BTW how messed up was it that Katie Lee was laughing after he sliced himself? I would do the same thing, but it is still messed up!
The Glee boys see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil |
August 8th, 2010 under Glee. [ Comments: none ]

The Glee boys were prepping for the Teen Choice Awards and they were doing so by becoming the three wise monkeys. So I guess we can expect that they will see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil when they host the show on Fox tomorrow at 8p. For some reason I think Chris Colfer aka Kurt will see evil, Mark Salling aka Puck will hear evil and I am most certainly sure that Kevin McHale aka Artie will speak evil. So where is the 4th monkey? Cory Montieth aka Finn was the one who saw, heard and spoke evil when he Tweeted the picture of his co-stars.
Baby Lily is back with her Modern Family!!! |
August 8th, 2010 under Modern Family. [ Comments: 1 ]

It is the time of the season when TV shows go back in production and one of them is Modern Family. With the hit ABC sitcom back at work, that means we are getting pictures of the awwwdorable little twins who play Lily on the set. I am assuming their parents Tweeted those pictures on the The Baby Lily Pad Twitter page. Can you believe the two and a half year olds have their own Twitter page? I am glad that they do because these pictures were too cute not to share.
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