As we know Coco has no qualms about sharing details about her personal life, so I don’t know why this Tweet about Ice-T still shocked me.
“Sex with my husband is awesome!Specially after-show sex.He just preformed at Sturgis, I may be getting too personal..hmmm”
Yes she did get too personal and you know what I say…why should I suffer alone. So now I will leave the image in your head of the two of them going at it, the same way it is stuck in mine.
Miley Cyrus for some reason decided to Tweet how to get the perfect on-screen kiss and here is what she said…
What makes the perfect movie kiss? I’ll let you into a little secret: the best thing that I learned on my show is to become best friends with your lighting guy. That way, they make you look really good in every single scene especially for that perfect…movie kiss.That’s my main trick as an actress. Make friends with the lighting guy and you’ll be fine! In all movies the kiss is always planned. It’s written to be the most perfect kiss ever, but in reality, that’s unlikely to happen to anyone.It’s cool that I get to live out that fairytale life, but it’s not real.’
This is coming from the actress who is dating her on-screen boyfriend from Last Song…
So the big news this week was steward Steven Slater, who says he got upset with a passenger on a JetBlue flight after she allegedly hit him on the head with her luggage while the plane was taxiing to the gate, so he reportedly got upset, cursed at the passengers over the speakers and announced he quit his job, grabbed two beers, used the emergency exit slid down the chute and became the talk of the world. Well maybe if he would have done what a stewardess did on a Lufthansa flight from Tel-Aviv to Frankfurt, he would still have a job and we never would have heard of him. According to the Daily Mail while the stewardess was handing out free (they still do that on some airlines?) pillows, a pillow fight broke out. Instead of cursing at them over the intercom, she joined in and had a lot of fun. I don’t know about you, but I would rather have had that stewardess on my flight than Slater.
Rihanna lit up the stage at Madison Square Garden…literally. The Umbrella-ella-ella singer wore a dress with lights in it that are the same color as her hair. I wish I could say something nice about it, but I can’t because it is ugly like her hair. Oh wait, here is something positive…at least she is finally wearing something that covers her crotch!
Zach Braff and Donald Faison were reunited at the opening night party for Zach’s Broadway show Trust. JD and Turk look as close now as they did when they were on Scrubs together. I guess you can their relationship did not end up like that song from the show…Everything Comes Down to Poo. I have no idea what that means either, I just liked the song!!!