Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » August
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Big Brother catches everything!
August 18th, 2010 under Big Brother- US. [ Comments: none ]

via Jezebel
Don’t you hate being a guy trapped in a house with beautiful women and not being able to masturbate because the cameras might catch you doing it. So what are suppose to do? Well if you are Lane, you say f*ck it, go into the shower and just go at it like it is the only chance you will have! At least he went into the shower unlike Boogie who did it with a plastic bag in the pool box.


Jesse James blames Sandra Bullock for cheating?
August 18th, 2010 under Sandra Bullock. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

As if we needed another reason to not like Jesse James, Life & Style has a story that will make us like him even less…if it is a true. A source claims that Sandra Bullock’s filming schedule is what lead him to cheat.

“He said he doesn’t want to be alone anymore — and that he was alone with Sandra,” the insider tells Life & Style. “He says she was always away filming movies. That’s why he strayed — he was horny and needed someone.”
He’s claiming Sandra, Forbes’ highest-paid actress, drove him away. “Jesse says Sandra was never around,” the insider says. “He was lonely, and that’s why he turned to another woman. She was gone for months filming The Blind Side. He’s not proud of what he did, but he insists the fault doesn’t rest entirely with him.”

Maybe instead of finding women to have sex with, he should have gotten on a plane and scratched his itch with his now ex-wife?


August 18th, 2010 under Backstreet Boys /Aaron Carter, NKOTB. [ Comments: 2 ]

All you teen girls who are now between 25-35 and covered your walls with either New Kids on the Block or Backstreet Boys posters or better yet both in the ’90s, be prepared to get that feeling all over again because the two boy bands are going on tour together. A source told E! that they are close to signing a deal with LiveNation and said, “The idea is to recreate the boy band phenomenon. It will be the ultimate ladies’ night out.” The source added that they are looking to add a third boy band and they are considering Boys II Men. Personally I think they either need a band from the ’80s or the last decade, so I say either Menudo or the Jonas Brothers. The latter’s 15 minutes are almost up, so this would be a great way to extend it. Now back to the tour, I feel bad for all the ushers that are going to have to listen to all of those screaming women remembering their teenage dreams! The screeching will certainly hurt their ears, it is already hurting mine thinking about it.
BTW I thought of a great promotion for the tour, Syfy should do a movie with NKOTB vs BSB…Mega Lobsters vs Gigantic Stone Crabs! NKOTB are Harvard scientists trying to stop the Mega Lobsters from taking over while BSB are University of Miami scientists doing the same with Gigantic Stone Crabs, so the 9 men get together and have their water creatures fight it out. Doesn’t that sound Mega!


Hot Links!
August 17th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who is under that mask? – Tabloid Prodigy
Don't mess with Justin Bieber! – Popbytes
Brad Pitt's exes hug it out! – Agent Bedhead
Bronx Wentz is actually cute! – Farandulista
Who lets their kids play with fake blood? – ICYDK
Who bragged that they are hairless? – Amy Grindhouse
Which on-again off-again couple are off again? – Dlisted
Who wants smaller boobs and a bigger butt? – Celebitchy
Guess Suri Cruise won't make friends in school? – INF Daily
Who wears the pants in the Tom Cruise household? – Gabby Babble
Who got naked and bloody for Rolling Stone? – Celebrity Dirty Laundry


Looks like Night of the Demons shouldn’t have been remade
August 17th, 2010 under Movies. [ Comments: none ]


So you know how Hollywood can’t stop destroying movies by remaking them? Well after watching the trailer for Night of the Demons, it looks like it shouldn’t have been remade to me. Will I see it? Yes, but not until it is on cable because it looks like a cheesy horror movie that is good to watch when nothing else is on. Well if you are into that thing like me.
BTW I am surprised that they had less topless women in the new trailer as compared to the one from the original. You would think they would have more in 2010 than they did in 1988.


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