Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » July
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I want a ticket to ride Titanic 2!
July 28th, 2010 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: none ]

No Titanic 2 is not a sequel to James Cameron’s Titanic where Jack haunts Rose for just tossing his dead body off the board like that, but a new Titanic steamboat taking the same path as the original one did in 1912 and winds up suffering the same fate. Maybe because I have always been obsessed about the original Titanic (even before Cameron’s movie), I can’t wait to see this movie on August 24th to find out if will down just the first one! Seriously after watching that trailer, doesn’t it make you want to set sail with film when it comes out?


Plain Jane is anything but plain
July 28th, 2010 under The CW. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 9p from The CW, the network that brings us beautiful people on Gossip Girl and 90210, they will bringing us a Plain Jane who they will be making beautiful. Every week British fashion expert Louise Roe will transform a plain girl, by teaching her not only dress and do her hair and makeup, but how to be more confident with herself. On tonight’s episode she does wonders with a girl who wants to be more than friends with her BFF. She not only gives her the look, but she gives her the confidence to tell her friend of many years that she has feelings for him. What he tells her will surprise you? See if he says yes or I love you, but only as a friend? I didn’t see his answer coming.
So tune into to Plain Jane tonight and every Wednesday at 9p on The CW for the beautiful reality show!


Guess who that boy grew up to be?
July 28th, 2010 under Guess who?. [ Comments: none ]

Want to see who knew to hold on to a pussy when he was kid and didn’t when he was adult then click here!


Russell Brand strips in a Church
July 28th, 2010 under Russell Brand. [ Comments: 1 ]

Fame Pictures
Russell Brand was filming a scene for Arthur and even he was nervous about it. RustyRockets Tweeted, “Stripping in a church? I mean I know Jesus doesn’t over dress but is there a way back from this ungodly muck?” Nice to know even he has some standards. Although seeing him in just his underwear and black socks, I wish he had more. I wasn’t planning on seeing the remake with out the late great Dudley Moore, but now that I know that he will have a nude scene in the movie there is no way in heck you could get me to see it. Hopefully Katy Perry will feed him some of the cake she is always wearing because he needs to put on few pounds.


Snopp Dogg and Seal doing a duet to bark about?
July 28th, 2010 under Seal, Snoop Dogg. [ Comments: 1 ]

People Star Tracks
Snoop Dogg spent the day at San Diego’s SeaWorld and he hooked up with the cool Clyde. Looking at that picture I had to wonder if because he has smoked so much pot that he thought he was actually posing with Seal the singer aka Mr Heidi Klum. Although you would think the smoother skin would have been a give away. Too mean? Then throw me a fish!
BTW Clyde is actually a seal lion and not a seal, but this post would not have worked as well with the facts and that picture so needed to be Captioned by me!


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