Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » July
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Mel Gibson’s rants karaoke style!
July 21st, 2010 under Jimmy Fallon. [ Comments: 1 ]

The late night hosts are looking for original ways to take on Mel Gibson phone calls and I think that Jimmy Fallon has found the most original way to do it. He brought three members from his Late Night show on the stage to sing Mel Gibson’s infamous words karaoke style and I have to admit that bit didn’t blow. Oh wait that is what upset him so much, you know because Oksana Grigorieva wouldn’t blow him. So I guess you can say that Jimmy Fallon was very successful.


Seth MacFarlane just became David Hasselhoff’s worst nightmare!
July 21st, 2010 under David Hasselhoff/Baywatch, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

(photos from WireImage)

Comedy Central announced today that Seth MacFarlane will be the Roast Master at the Roast of David Hasselhoff on August 15th. I am not sure why he got the honor, maybe because of all the jokes they make about the Baywatch star on Family Guy, but I don’t really care because I just love both men. Comedy Central also announced the roasters and they include 4 Dancing with the Stars alum and they are Pamela Anderson, Whitney Cummings, Greg Giraldo, George Hamilton, Hulk Hogan, Lisa Lampanelli, Jeffrey Ross And Jerry Springer. This is the best lineup since the Roast of Bob Saget and I it will be the funniest one since Flavor Flav’s! There is so much to roast David Hasselhoff about and to have his most famous Baywatch star (and former Roastee) there makes the show so much more watchable. Plus the man that hosted America’s Got Talent for two years when The Hoff was a judge on a show was also a great get. I am assuming George is there to compare tans. I am wrestling with why Hulk Hogan is there, but I am sure they have good reason. When it comes to the comedians, I think they are the 4 strongest roasters that Comedy Central has. I don’t know about you but after reading who will be roasting The Hoff on August 15th, I am even more excited for the show.
BTW I will be covering the red carpet, so I can’t wait to preview what should be the hysterical roast for you!!!


Hot Links!
July 20th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: 1 ]

Whose belly button is hiding? – Yeeeah!
Rejected…a must see! – Tabloid Prodigy
Dita Von Teese is so golden! – Popbytes
Where is George Clooney? – Gabby Babble
Which two actresses have stalkers – ICYDK
Which TV cop was arrested for reals? – Dlisted
Ali Larter is going to be a mom – Amy Grindhouse
Bill Murray talks about his urban legend – Agent Bedhead
Who thinks Jen Aniston should be lucky to date him? – Celebitchy


I wish the Faster trailer went slower
July 20th, 2010 under The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

After watching the teaser trailer for The Rock’s new movie Faster, I have no idea what it is about. But the one thing I do know for sure is that it is a dick flick with capital D I C K. Seriously we know there will be car chases, gun fights, a strip club scene and I am sure explosions. Boys who cares about a plot, when you have all of that? I am sure the movie will do well when it comes out in November no matter what it is about.


BTWF roles: Neve Campbell in Kids in the Hall
July 20th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Kids in the Hall. [ Comments: none ]

Before Neve Campbell was trying not to get killed in Scream, she was the killer in Kids in the Hall. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 18 in that 1992 show, but with shorter hair.


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