I know Christina Aguilera was the Lady Gaga before Lady Gaga, but it feels like now she is trying to be her more than she is trying to be herself. Everything about her so forced that she is becoming the drag queen version of herself. She is looking more manly than her husband and he is pretty macho looking.
Maybe when her album tanks she will go back to her old self and stop wearing a flashing heart on her vajayajy.
Ralph Macchio’s career isn’t going as well as it used to, and I guess the remake of The Karate Kid was the final straw for him. So instead of being Mr Nice Guy, he is changing his image to be more like actors his own age that started out when he did ie Robert Downey Jr, Charlie Sheen, Kiefer Sutherland and Rob Lowe. He is going to be Hollywood’s newest bad boy and he is going to document his transformation. FunnyOrDie debuted the trailer for Wax On, F*ck Off and let’s just Mr Nice Guy is no longer nice. I don’t know if I ever will be able to look at him the same way now that I have heard him curse. Daniel LaRusso doesn’t curse.
Actually minus him say MoFo, that is the funniest thing I have ever seen on Funny Or Die. He really did a wonderful job in it especially when he made fun of himself and the things he is a most known for. If you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? Hopefully this video will put his career in to a resurgence because we seriously need more of Ralph Macchio. Maybe he can play a transfer student on 90210 or one of the new kids on Glee? I think he would be perfect in either role!
Yesterday’s So You Think You Can Dance left a really bad taste in my mouth. This season is all about change and so far I am hating all of them. They rushed through auditions which was OK, then they rushed through Vegas so that the judges could go to the contestants’ houses to tell them whether they made the Top 10 or not and that was not OK. All of the judges, but Nigel Lythgoe went and personally told them they were not going to be part of the show. I say except Nigel because Mr Capped Teeth did have the balls to personally tell them they were rejected, so instead he called them on speaker phone to tell them they did not make the show. Imagine getting that phone call, and to top it off they were hearing it on a speaker phone. That is just so cold. Nigel suddenly grew a pair when he had to tell them that they made the show, and karma bit him in the a$$ because he got lost trying to find Kent Boyd’s house. Once he got there he opted to go to the bathroom before telling him his fate. As if he didn’t wait long enough to find out. Earlier in the show Cat Deeley said that Nigel did not go door-to-door to all of the contestants because of scheduling conflicts, yet he told Kent “Do you really think I would have come all this way to say ‘no’? Do you honestly think I would think I would get a ticket?” Nice one to lie to the rejected contestants and to us like that. Another lie is he said the show is about the dancers, yet in almost every audition, we saw the judges’ reactions for a 1/3 of their performances. I don’t care what the judges expressions were during the performance because they are going to tell us afterwards anyways. Nigel do you love being on the camera so much that you feel the need to show us your face all the time. The camera isn’t in love with you as much as you think. So when you are in the editing room, can you remember that and let us see all of the dancers’ performances since you told us the show is about them and not you.
OK enough about Mr Capped Teeth, let’s continue how the show was cruel. Whenever the judges went to the dancers’ homes whether they were in or out, they played as though they didn’t make it. That got old fast and even stupider faster. Why plays games with their heads? It isn’t funny and you guys are dancers not actors and it really showed as you tried to fake it. I get you like the drama, but we don’t. And on the drama note Nigel, Adam Shankman and Mia Michaels stop being unnecessarily cruel during your critiques, it is a turn off to the show and to you. I find myself watching SYTYCD on my DVR just so I cast fast forward through the judges useless, cruel and self-indulgent critiques.
I will give SYTYCD another week but if things don’t change with the judges, my love of dance might not be able to keep me watching the show. This show used to be the show I would look forward to, but Nigel has changed the show so much to accommodate his ego that I have lost my love for the show. I thought that Adam Shankman would be a good add to the judging table, but within a week of his new position I grew to not like him even more than I don’t like Nigel. And now that Mia Michaels is joining them, I might find myself watch NCIS and NCIS: LA repeats instead.
OK I feel a little better now!
via TV Newser
The PTC just got wet because a 13 year old girl said the c-word not once but twice on The Today Show this morning. You know when they heard the word come out of her mouth the first time they felt a little tingle down there, but when she said a second time you know they had a full-on orgasm. I think that the Today Show is safe because she said it in a news context, but you know the PTC will still go running to the FCC trying to get NBC fined for the word.
Personally I couldn’t believe she said the word so freely, even I shutter when I say that word. I so hate the C U Next Tuesday word, it was one my least favorite words to say and I say a lot of bad bad words.