Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » June
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Happy Father’s Day!!!
June 20th, 2010 under SOW Greetings. [ Comments: none ]

Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there! I hope you are enjoying your breakfasts in beds, the ties and cologne you were given and most importantly all the kisses you are being give today. You have earned them all!
Thanks to my dad for being the best dad ever! I love you daddy!!!


King Henry VIII’s reign ends tonight on Showtime
June 20th, 2010 under The Tudors. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight on Showtime at 9p King Henry VIII reign ends as King of England. After 4 seasons, 6 wives and too many sex scenes to count The Tudors says goodbye. The show that has been a cut about the rest with its storylines, beauty of locations and extraordinary acting will go out just as powerful as it came in. I will miss seeing Jonathan Rhys Meyers have sex with his wives before he cuts their heads off and tonight they return to give him a final message. The finale is fit for a King, King Henry VIII!!! So make sure to watch the show that made The Tudors cool again!


RSVP for Double Wedding on LMN tonight!
June 20th, 2010 under Lifetime. [ Comments: 1 ]

June is the month for weddings, so why not attend a Double Wedding from the comfort of your own house tonight at 8p est/5p est on Lifetime Movie Network. Double wedding is the first time that Tia and Tamera Mowry have worked together since their popular comedy Sister, Sister and it is the perfect movie to bring them together again on the little screen. The Mowry sisters star as twins who are ready to get married only problem is they are both missing a man. Both girls are hard working and haven’t really made the time to date. When they finally do they both meet the same guy who doesn’t know he is dating twins and they don’t know they are both dating him. How will they react when they realize they are dating the same man and how will react when he finds out he is dating twins? Who will chose who and who will get married? Find out tonight on LMN.


Eric Roberts returns to daytime!
June 18th, 2010 under TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Just like Oscar nominees James Franco is appearing on General Hospital and Julianne Moore appeared on As The World Turns, Academy Award nominee Eric Roberts will appear on The Young and The Restless. According to Entertainment Weekly The Coca Cola Kid will be playing a lawyer representing Adam Wilson on the CBS soap from July 12th through August. No word if his contract could be extended past August, but I am sure if both sides agree to it he could become a permanent fixture on the show.
Hopefully with these three Oscar nominees appearing on the daytime dramas more will follow suit and the ratings and recognition will improve the soap operas.


The Easy Lovers are reunited
June 18th, 2010 under 80s. [ Comments: 1 ]

The Easy Lover singers Phil Collins and Philip Bailey were reunited at the 41st Annual Songwriters Hall of Fame where the former-Genesis singer was being honored. Don’t the two 59 year old Phil(ips) look great. They look as good as they did when they sang that song for the first time 26 years ago.
BTW ever since I saw Collins with his one time duet partner, I have had their 1984 hit Easy Lover stuck in my head. I don’t care what anyone says, 1984 was a good year for music!!!


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