Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » April
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Remember Sherilynn Fenn?
April 18th, 2010 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

Sherilynn Fenn was at the 2010 Chiller Theatre Expo and the 45 year old looks great! But I have to admit it is still hard for me to look at the her after Boxing Helena, that was one of the worst and creepiest movies ever made. So instead of thinking of Julian Sands having sex with armless and legless body, I will think of Just One of the Guys…now that was a classic movie!


I will never watch the Shake Weight ad the same way!
April 18th, 2010 under Saturday Night Live. [ Comments: 1 ]

Saturday Night Live did something funny yesterday and it was at the expense of the Shake Weight informercial. Granted I am surprised it took so long for someone to make fun of it in the same way they did. Make sure to watch it all the way through because the ending is the funniest part and rip-off of a Family Guy episode.


John Mayer is trying to get laid
April 18th, 2010 under John Mayer. [ Comments: 1 ]

Pacific Coast News Online
Ever wonder what John Mayer looks like when he gets his flirt on? Well now thanks to those picture it seems like we now know what he looks like when he tries to get his groove on with the ladies. Normally I would diss those girls for falling for it, but considering the rumors are that he is very good in bed and nicely sized down there I think they are lucky if they took him up on it. Granted if they did take him up on it, I hope they used a condom or two or more!


Brad Pitt’s parents spend a day with the kids
April 18th, 2010 under Brangelina. [ Comments: 1 ]

Pacific Coast News Online
Brad Pitt’s parents are in Venice, Italy and they got to act like grandparents and take their 4 oldest grandkids out to tour the city. How awwdorable is the Brangelina clan with their grandparents? Maddox looks like he is having a lot of fun and is ready to blast off. In that first picture Shiloh is standing just like her dad. It is scary how much she is like her father.


BTWF roles: Isla Fisher in Paradise Beach
April 16th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Sacha Baron Cohen. [ Comments: none ]

Before Isla Fisher was married to Sacha Baron Cohen aka Borat aka Bruno a man I think can be a pig, she thought her brother was a pig on Paradise Beach. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 17 on that 1993 episode!


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