Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » April
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Kristen Stewart goes androgynous
April 19th, 2010 under Kristen Stewart, Twilight. [ Comments: 3 ]

Kristen Stewart went to the Coachella Music Festival and to me she looked completely androgynous. Seriously is it just me or does the Twilight star look more like Shane from The L Word than she does Bella?


Sharon Osbourne’s special gift for her husband!
April 19th, 2010 under The Osbournes. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ozzy Osbourne is a huge fan of his wife’s breasts, so Sharon Osbourne is giving them to him. Sharon told Ann Curry on The Today Show that she is getting her breast implants removed and giving them to Ozzy as a paperweight. Leave it to them to come up with a new way to recycle breast implants. Hopefully one of their many dogs won’t find them on the desk and think they are a chew toy. Could you imagine how gross that could be? Even grosser than using them as a paperweight.


Matthew McConaughey’s TMI!
April 19th, 2010 under Matthew McConaughey. [ Comments: none ]

Matthew McConaughey was back at the ACMs for a second year in a row and yesterday he let everyone know just how lucky last year was for him. Well not only him, but also for Camila because it was there that they conceived their second child Vida. He also told the audience that he was trying not to make this year as lucky as last year, but I am sure they tried to recreate what made last year’s Academy of Country Music Awards so special for them!
You know since the ACMs are in Vegas maybe instead of making another baby, they could make their relationship official and tie the knot? Just saying!
BTW I wonder why if their daughter was conceived at the ACMS, they didn’t name her after a country song or musician as compared to Vida?


Hot Links!
April 18th, 2010 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Who hurt my poor eyes – Dlisted
What a pair – Agent Bedhead
Hollywood's Hot Men! – Popbytes
Ricky Martin nude! – Litely Salted
Scott Speedman is so cute! – ICYDK
Who got sexy by a pool? – CelebJihad
Spencer Pratt gets mad – Amy Grindhouse
Kim Kardashian gets nude again! – Yeeeah!
Christina Hendricks is so gorgeous! – Celebitchy
I wish I went to this birthday party! – Gabby Babble
Who did Steven Seagal ask to strip? – Bricks and Stones


A mini-Revenge of the Nerds reunion!
April 18th, 2010 under Reunions. [ Comments: none ]

Curtis Armstrong and Robert Carrdine aka Revenge of the Nerd’s Booger and Lewis were reunited at the 2010 Chiller Theatre Expo and it is so cool to see them together like that. Looking at them in those pictures makes me hope that they do another sequel to the picture some time soon! You can never get enough of those nerds!


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