Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2010 » January
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Jessica Simpson fakes her orgasims
January 30th, 2010 under Jessica Simpson. [ Comments: none ]

Jessica Simpson’s nana is in the hospital and in between visiting her she tweeted, “‘You can fake an orgasim but you can’t fake laughter’ Bob Dylan” and there was a typo her Tweet. I only realized it because she later tweeted, “I meant “orgasm” not orgasim…one of the cute doctors here at the hospital informed me of my misspelled tweet. Hmm…was he hitting on me?” Yes Jessica he was hitting on you, but I would be more worried that he is reading your tweets instead of taking care of your nana.
You know maybe she should date that doctor because she might have better luck with him then the past men in her life that she had to fake orgasims for? Although John Mayer is rumored to be really good in bed…


BTWF ads: William H Macy for Cling Free
January 29th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous. [ Comments: none ]

Before William H Macy was married to Felicity Huffman, he was married to a woman whose fabric softner got stuck in his shirt before they discovered Cling Free. Almost hard to believe the 33 year old actor in that 1984 commercial is the same guy we know now.


Spoiler: The first 4 minutes of the final season Lost!!!!
January 29th, 2010 under Lost. [ Comments: 1 ]

If you are like me and can’t wait until Wednesday to find our what happened when Juliette hit the bomb, well DocArzt and Friends’ Lost Blog just posted the first four minutes. Is it Tuesday at 9p yet because I can’t wait to tune into ABC to watch the season premiere of Lost already!!!


Kitchen Nightmares gets cooking again on Fox!
January 29th, 2010 under Fox. [ Comments: none ]

Kitchen Nightmares is back for a third season tonight on Fox at 9p and I can’t wait to dine at this season’s restaurants via the boob tube. I have to admit I never got in to Hell’s Kitchen, but I love what Gordon Ramsey does with Kitchen Nightmares. He goes into these restaurants that desperately need his help and he saves them from the brink of closure. He is tough as nails when he first gets there, but you understand he is only doing it to help them out. Once he sees they really care about their businesses he becomes their teacher and savior.
On tonight’s episode he goes to Philly and helps two sisters. a sister-in-law and niece try to save their place The Hot Potato, but when none of them seem to care if the business stays opens or closes he walks out. When the women beg him to come back, he decides to give them a second chance. Were they sincere when they told him they want to keep restaurant or were they just saying it to get him back? Tune into to Fox at 9p to find out.


Matthew McConaughey in a penguin suit on the beach!
January 29th, 2010 under Matthew McConaughey. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Pictures
Matthew McConaughey was seen in the most clothes we have ever seen him in on a beach and he looked really good dressed up as a penguin in Malibu! As you can tell in that last picture he would rather be topless and not that I don’t like him without a shirt but I think he looks a lot better with a tuxedo on!


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