Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » October
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Hot Links!
October 28th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

I guess the steroids didn't affect A-Rod's sex life – Celebitchy
Is Josh Duhamel cheating on Fergie? – Dlisted
What do Brangelina do during boring nights? – ICYDK
Who is partying with White Supremacists? – CelebJihad
Want to see Michael Jackson's autopsy photo? – PopEater
Who was voted Worst Celebrity Influence? – Amy Grindhouse
Want Robert Pattison's face on your crotch? – Agent Bedhead
Katie Holmes only had a 3 year deal with Tom Cruise? – Popbytes
What got Courtney Love to say no to more plastic surgery? – HM!


NBC will not be sticking with Trauma
October 28th, 2009 under NBC. [ Comments: none ]

NBC has decided not to order any more episode of their new show Trauma according to The Live Feed. The news really isn’t a surprise because last week NBC picked up their other two shows, but not Trauma. And even though it was expected, I am still royally bummed because this show got better with each episode. So make sure to check it out this Monday at 9p on NBC while you can.
Although not announced it looks like Chuck will return to Monday nights when Trauma ends it 13 episode run. If NBC were smart (which they have proven they are not..2 words Jay and Leno) they would put Chuck on 8p and move Heroes back to 9p instead of putting Chuck on at 9p. NBC also ordered 6 more eps of Chuck, so you Chuck fans better watch the show you fought so hard to get back on the air because I have two words for you…CBS and Jericho.
BTW back to Trauma, I pray that Kevin Rankin finds a new job soon because he is too talented not to be on TV and I must say sh!tload better looking in person. Not saying he isn’t hot on the little screen, just much better in person. And the really sad part of NBC not sticking with the show, is Kevin had a really touching coming out scene on Monday and it is shame that storyline will not play out as long as it should have.


BTWF roles: Vince Vaughn on 21 Jump Street
October 28th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Vince Vaughn. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 1:15 in)

Before Vince Vaughn was a Wedding Crasher, he was just a student on 21 Jump Street. OMG! I can’t believe I am going to say this but how doable was the 19 year old actor in that 1989 episode?


Teri Hatcher has the Swine Flu
October 28th, 2009 under Desperate Housewives, Teri Hatcher. [ Comments: none ]

(photo © ABC)

Teri Hatcher was diagnosed with Swine Flu and has put the cast and crew of Desperate Housewives on high alert for H1N1. According to TV Guide Magazine the show is rescheduling her scenes until she is well enough to return and her diagnosis couldn’t have come at a worse time because DH was filming their Christmas Party episode. Why would her sickness really seem to matter if it is just a party episode? Well because a small commuter plane is going to crash into Wisteria Lane while they are having that party and at least one fan favorite will perish.
Am I the only one kind of hoping her Swine Flu will shut down production long enough that they have to scrap the episode, because destroying Wisteria Lane again is such a stupid storyline. Marc Cherry is living up to the first word of the title of his show that used to be a hit with the plane crash story arc.

UPDATE: Her rep is told TV Guide Magazine that she doesn’t have Swine Flu and that production hasn’t been changed because she is sick. Dang that stupid plane crash is going to happen.

UPDATE 2: According to Variety ABC is sticking with Marc Cherry until 2013 which means that Desperate Housewives could stay until then too. Seriously they are desperate for enjoyable scripts and watchable storylines now, how are they going to maintain it for another 4 years? Especially since Marc Cherry worked on the final season of Golden Girls and that show started repeating itself, are they going to continue to that on DH until then. I mean they have already started to repeat themselves are they going to repeat 3 or 4 more times before the show is finally put out of its misery? Plus how are the actresses going to hold up until then? There is no eye candy on the show as it is (since they got rid of Gale Harold) what are they going to do for that until 2013? At this rate the cast from Degrassi will have to move to Wisteria Lane because they will be as old as the DH cast when they first started. Was that too mean?


Remember Charlotte Ross?
October 28th, 2009 under Remember?. [ Comments: none ]

Some of you might remember Charlotte Ross from when she was on The Heights while others will recall when she was on NYPD Blue, but I will always remember her from when she played Eve Donovan on Days of our Lives. The 41 year old still looks great, but I think she would look better if she wore a bra or pasties.


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