Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » September
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Ryan Seacrest is a ladies man?
September 17th, 2009 under Ads, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Seacrest is a ladies man? Well at least for Crest he is one, but does anyone believe this ad? At first it starts off real with him ignoring the girls, but then when he takes them all home with him that is when it all went downhill for me. Have you ever seen him with a flock of women? I wonder what Simon Cowell would say about this ad?
Granted I find Hollywood’s hardest working man very attractive, but it has nothing to do with his white teeth but all the green he has in his bank account. Is that shallow of me?
Now I am thinking that if I used Crest Extra White plus Scope Outlast I might be able to land a man and his half his money?


Nicole Kidman to play a man
September 17th, 2009 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Nicole Kidman will be playing a man for her next role in The Danish Girl according to Variety. She will be playing the man who got the first ever sex-change back in 1931, so technically she is only playing a man for part of it. Charlize Theron was suppose to play her wife, but she has dropped out of the movie.
OK, I can’t resist…maybe if she played this role when she was married to Tom Cruise they would still be married??? Joking!


Bones is back on the case tonight!
September 17th, 2009 under Uncategorized. [ Comments: 2 ]

Bones is back on the case tonight on Fox at 8p. The show does not pick up where it left off, but a few months after Booth’s surgery and I think that was a smart idea. The episode starts off with Bones coming back from an expedition and Booth getting cleared to go back to work. I think it is a good thing that the show gave them a few months to heal and for Bones and Booth to evaluate what happened in the season finale. And believe me both of them are thinking about the story she told him while he was in the coma and trying to figure out where their relationship stands. Don’t worry we get just enough of an answer, but not all of it so the teasing will continue!
Now when it comes to tonight’s case, Cyndi Lauper guest stars as a psychic who leads them to a bunch of a cult member bodies buried under a fountain, and that is just one of the many visions she has for them. Having Cyndi on the 1st episode of season 5 was a great way to start off the season because she is so much fun on the show. I hope they bring her back for more because someone has to tell Booth and Bones where they stand.
If the season continues like tonight’s episode I can’t wait for next week’s episode and the one after that and the one after that and so on… And knowing the brilliance of the show that gets better with each episode, I know they will all be as equally good. So whether you have seen Bones before or tonight will be your first episode, make sure to watch Fox at 8p for one of the only shows I must watch live!!!


Deryck Whibley is no longer Avril Lavigne’s Sk8r Boi
September 17th, 2009 under Avril Lavigne, Sum 41. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

After weeks of rumors that Sum 41’s Deryck Whibley and Avril Lavigne are headed for a divorce, Us Weekly says a source has confirmed the news to them.

“She dumped him and told him she was leaving him. She wants to move on,” a source tells the new Us Weekly, adding that Lavigne, 25, forced him out of their $9.5 million, 12,00-square-foot estate in L.A.’s Bel Air. “Divorce papers will be filed any day now.”

I am kind of bummed that their 3 year marriage is coming to an end because I thought these two Canadian rockers were going to make it. But then again she was only 21 when she got married and that is too young to settle down.
BTW the ? will stay on until they confirm the news or when one of them files divorce papers as Us says they will.

UPDATE: Avril Lavigne confirms the split on her MySpace blog.

Moving forward on a positive note
Deryck and I have been together for 6 and a half years. We have been friends since I was 17, started dating when I was 19, and married when I was 21. I am grateful for our time together, and I am grateful and blessed for our remaining friendship. I admire Deryck and have a great amount of respect for him. He is the most amazing person I know and I love him with all my heart. Deryck and I are separating and moving forward on a positive note.

Thank you to all my family, friends and fans for all your support.



It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
September 17th, 2009 under FX. [ Comments: none ]

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is back on FX tonight at 10p and boy is it back!!! If you have never seen this show that is so wrong, now is the right time to start! It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is about 4 friends who own a bar and along with Danny DeVito are just horrible people doing awful things but they are just too dumb to realize it and it is just so much fun to watch.
I have to admit the last 2 seasons kind of lost the feeling of the first two, but this new season is back to being as bad as it originally was and that is a very good thing. In the first four episodes the gang will buy foreclosed houses to sell, take a trip outside of Philadelphia, do an intervention for Danny DeVito and have sex with a woman whose husband just died. Might not sound that bad, but when you watch the show you will see just how awful they are. We all secretly want to be bad and do horrible things, but we have a conscience that the gang on Philly don’t and that is what I love about this show and you will too when you watch it.
On a side note related to the show, remember that interview a few months ago where Danny DeVito was being interviewed by a Philadelphia reporter and everyone thought he was and he said he was in character? Well on the third episode you will see that he wasn’t joking, that was the intervention episode. So I think that can give you a hint how truly birlliant this show it. So check it out tonight and every Thursday at 10p on FX, for a show you will feel guilty watching and that is OK!!!


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