Seriously? OMG! WTF? » 2009 » May
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Get the aspirin ready, tonight in the Lost season finale!!!
May 13th, 2009 under Lost. [ Comments: 1 ]

Tonight is the season finale of Lost on ABC at 9p and I have been stocking up on Aspirin just for the occasion! The season started it with so many questions my brain couldn’t handle it all. Finally in the last few episodes we started getting answers to those questions and ones from the seasons past, that I was able to retain information once again like, “What year it is?” “What’s my name?” “My husband’s name?” and then remembering I am single. But I digress, back to Lost! We have no idea WTF is going to happen, but you know it is going to bloody amazing and leave us on the edge of the seats until the final season starts up again in January!
So make sure to tune into ABC at 9p an episode that will answer a crapload of questions and ask a sh!tload more!!!


Shocking Vanessa Hudgens would do a nude scene
May 13th, 2009 under High School Musical. [ Comments: 1 ]

So Marc Malkin asked Vanessa Hudgens if she would do a nude scene and here is what the High School Musical star told him.
"I will show nudity in a film when the time is right," Hudgens, 20, told us at this weekend's Diesel Only the Brave cologne launch party in West Hollywood. "Right now, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it, but like I said, when the time's right, if it's an amazing movie that I'm really passionate about and that's what it calls for, then we'll see."
Anyone shocked by her answer? It isn't like we haven't already seen it.

Hot Links!
May 12th, 2009 under Hot Links!. [ Comments: none ]

Need a laugh? Check out what is under Skeletor – Dlisted
Who are TV's Best Drunks? – Pajiba
Eminem vs Nick Cannon – Scandalist
Lenny Kravitz naked bum!!! – Yeeeah!
Owain Yeoman Oh WowMan – Popbytes
Megan Fox is a selfish bi-sexual – ICYDK
Ginnefer Goodwin does sexy – Gabby Babble
Paris Hilton copies Kim Kardashian's look – Popbytes
What is Kanye West MAD about now? – Celeb Warship
The Harry Potter cast is back in session! – Celebitchy
A Jesus and a Madonna having a Jewish wedding? – AB

Henry Winkler’s Ayyy-1 money tips!
May 12th, 2009 under Craig Ferguson, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

The nicest man in Hollywood Henry Winkler did yet another kind thing, when he shared with Craig Ferguson how we can all save money in these tough economic times!
Who ever thought we would hear The Fonz say stripper pole? I am sure a lot of Happy Days’ Programming & Standards employees didn’t. But thankfully CBS’s The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson allowed those words to come out of Henry Winkler’s mouth into the new millennium!!!
BTW I love when Ferguson brings true TV legends like Henry Winkler and Betty White on to his show to do these bits! I wish younger actors would learn from them what comedic timing and playing with the late-night host is all about. It is a true art form that those two have perfected!


Happy Birthday Paulina Porizkova, you’re fired from ANTM!!!
May 12th, 2009 under Craig Ferguson, Paulina Porizkova. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from WireImage)

Tyra Banks gave Paulina Porizkova something pink for her birthday…a pink slip. The now former-America’s Next Top Model judge breaks the news on CBS’s The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson tonight at 12:37a. According to the CBS’s Twitter she tells Craig, “I was fired by ANTM on my birthday” and a source confirmed the firing to me. That is some major FUS to fire someone on their birthday. Karma will bite you on the a$$ when you do something like that, so I can’t wait to see how it bites Tyra’s. And luckily for Karma their is a lot a$$ to bite on.
While I miss her on the show, they really haven’t been utilizing her so it kind of makes sense why they are looking for yet another supermodel to fill 5th judging spot. Who do you think they should get?
But better yet here is a question for y’all…who do you think is going to win America’s Next Top Model tomorrow (which will be Paulina’s last episode) on The CW at 8p?

UPDATE: Here is Paulina’s interview on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson! Dang she is going out with a bang! You go girl!!!

Tonight on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson on CBS at 12:37a, they have on Paula Poundstone and CSI’s Laurence Fishburne!


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