Before Kiefer Sutherland was one of The Lost Boys or the go to man on 24 or the go to man on 24, he was The Bay Boy. There is just something so sweet about the 17 year old’s face in that 1984 movie!
Us Weekly is claiming that the married LeAnn Rimes got a little too close to her co-star Eddie Cibrian while they were filming Lifetime's Northern Lights.
Their rapport carried off the set as well.
The new Us Weekly features pictures taken from a video security camera that show the two holding hands and kissing on a romantic dinner date at Mosun and Club M in Laguna Beach, California on March 7. Additionally, Us Weekly reports that the new couple met for a three-hour tryst at the Malibu Beach Inn on March 14.
LeAnn Rimes who just celebrated her 7 year wedding anniversary to Dean Sheremet released this statement on her site:
Us Weekly added that LeAnn is trying to save her marriage.
I just don’t get the Adam Lambert thing on American Idol, to me he is just a poser. He is like a horrible mix of a Ziggy Stardust/Rocky Horror feel with a Marilyn Manson sound that is all mixed in with way too much of a cheese factor. Is he trying to copy what David Cook and Chris Daughtry could do with songs? Those two knew how to make a song their own and make you want to buy the album. Unlike Adam’s version that scared me. David Cook’s songs were haunting, Adam’s are haunted.
Actually this whole season is a nightmare to me. No one is making me go wow. The only two I remotely like are Scott MacIntyre and Kris Allen. When it comes to who could go home tonight, I ciuld care less.
Tonight on Lost, the Oceanic 6 and those left behind on the Island are reunited. I so can’t wait to see how they all react to each other and what they ask about. What I can wait for is all the additional questions we will get from tonight’s episode on ABC at 9p!
Amy Adams was sick of being a fashion puppet after Awards season that she decided to do something drastic according to OK!
"I think as an actress you feel like you don't have ownership of your physical being because everyone has something to say. After awards season, you feel really judged.
"I know it sounds really juvenile, but in a way you start to feel like a child, and you rebel. I rebelled by cutting off my hair."
But the drastic image makeover wasn't as irresponsible as it sounds – Adams made sure her haircut was OK with the director of her new movie Leap Year: "I just had to tell Anand Tucker that I did it."
To be honest when I read this story yesterday, I thought her was going to be a lot shorter than it is. But either way I think she looks great with shorter hair or longer locks.