Whether you remember Michael T Weiss from The Pretender or as Dr. Mike Horton on Days of our Lives, he looks great for 47!!! The gray makes him look more distinguished!!!
Last night on Dancing with the Stars Denise Richards beat Holly Madison in the dance off, but she was still sent home. Seriously how did Denise go home before Holly and Ty Murray because of popularity? I actually heard of her unlike some of the others. Maybe it was her partner because they actually help save dancers by getting popularity votes. I guess it is time to put Maksim out to pasture since they already found his replacement the younger and hotter Dmitry Chaplin!
The best part about last night’s show is that Cloris Leachman was back to show those youngens how to do the Lindy Hop and the Argentinian Tango!!! I so miss her on the show, she has more personality that all the contestants put together!
Actually Cloris was the second best part of the show…they announced next week will be a double elimination!!! Who do you want to see go?
Did you know that Zach Braff has a new Late Night show on NBC called Super Late Night? Well I didn’t either until he showed a clip on Jimmy Kimmel Live! last night. Good thing Zach has Scrubs to fall back on!
Back to the show that the show clip was debuted on, tonight on ABC at 12:05a he will be interviewing John Stamos and Dr Drew Pinsky.